清华大学深圳国际研究生院海洋工程研究院Avik Kumar课题组2023年招收5名博士后
信息来源:清华大学深圳国际研究生院 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-11-08 11:16
P00029 海洋工程研究院
招聘类别 博士后
截止时间 长期招聘
招聘人数 5
Our group is seeking motivated post-doctoral fellow(s) interested in solving contemporary problems in marine built environment. The ideal fellow will have a PhD in the Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Data Science, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Technology and other relevant fields but prior experience/strong interest on civil engineering problems will be preferred. The successful candidate with work closely with on the development, implementation and evaluation of high-performance building materials and computing methods to enable smart, green marine infrastructures. The candidate(s) will have ample opportunity for both methodological and applied research in structures and materials in a collaborative environment.
1. Under the age of 35, within 3 years of obtaining a doctoral degree;
2. Engage in civil engineering related research or work, preferably with research or practice background in structural analysis, numerical calculation, algorithm development, etc., as well as possible cross-cooperation background such as artificial intelligence;
3. Strong technical level, good independent work ability, self-driving ability, written and oral English ability.
The PIs personal website contains information about the research group.
The research theme is the development and application of new generation construction material and M-SHM system in marine engineering. Using material investigation, testing, model development, theoretical analysis and other methods, a novel solutions that are suitable for different engineering application will be investigated, the basic force mechanism is analyzed, and design calculation methods are established to promote engineering applications. The research objectives are to establish new structures, new systems, new tools, new models and new methods, to improve structural safety, usability, environmental protection, economy and durability, solve engineering problems, promote engineering innovation, and serve major national strategic and engineering needs.
1. 参照清华大学深圳国际研究生院及深圳市相关条例享受工资待遇;
2. 博士后在站期间基本年薪为12万元,并按照相关规定参加社会保险及住房公积金,开题和中期考核合格者,可获得深圳市生活补贴18万元/年(资助期限不超过2年),在深圳市无房的博士后可享受2800元/月的租房补贴;
3. 学校为每位博士后提供在站期间两年共计2万元的科研学术活动资助;
4. 已获得水木学者的博士后,在站期间可额外获得6万元/年的院发补贴(以薪酬委员会决议为准);
5. 在站期间可按照相关规定,申请中国博士后科学基金和国家、省、市其他科研项目;
6. 博士后出站选择留深从事科研工作,且与本市企事业单位签订3年以上劳动(聘用)合同的,可申请深圳市出站博士后留深科研资助(10万元/年,共资助3年);
7. 博士后如认定为深圳市高层次人才的,可按规定申请人才奖励补贴。
Please send a cover letter (including research & career plan), detailed CV, and representative articles (≤3), and contact information of 3 referees to: akdas@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn(邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位+本人姓名+博士后招聘网)
An interview might be raised after initial selection. All positions are open until filled.
For further details or any inquiries, please also send emails to the addresses above.