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信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2022-03-01 09:49



Postdoctoral Researcher

Universities And Institutes Of Poland

Organisation/Company: The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines Polish Academy of Sciences

Research Field: Biological sciences › Biology Chemistry › Biochemistry

Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3)

Application Deadline: 15/03/2022 23:00 - Europe/London

Location: Poland › Warsaw

Type Of Contract: Temporary

Job Status: Full-time

Hours Per Week: 40

Offer Starting Date: 01/04/2022

Reference Number: Postdoc Sonata Bis RS 02 2022

The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines (IMol) Polish Academy of Sciences, was constituted in December 2020, in partnership with University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany and University of Warsaw, Poland.

IMol has been established to conduct scientific research and provide training in the fields of biological, chemical, medical, biotechnological, bioinformatics, biophysical, pharmacological, and similar sciences, in the international environment conducive to collaborative efforts, research and development interactions with biotechnological industry, and wide dissemination of our results. We aim at the development of solutions that will help everyone on this planet live a safer life.

Currently IMol is seeking for highly motivated candidates for a position of:

Postdoc in Cell Biology / Chemical Biology

Located: Warsaw, Poland

Job start date: as soon as possible

Deadline for applying: 15.03.2022

The work will focus initially on the validation of novel molecular probes in model cell lines. The probes will be then utilised to obtain maps of metabolite-protein interactions that occur in the proliferation and survival of cancer cells and to characterise specific changes occurring in these maps upon various stress conditions. For some proteins selected based on the maps obtained, the functional and structural significance of the interaction with the metabolites will be studied in detail. The work will involve the application of state-of-the-art instrumentation and numerous laboratory techniques. These include: metabolic and photoaffinity labelling of proteins, modification of the proteins via ‘click' chemistry, proteomics, gene editing, fluorescence microscopy, and other standard biochemistry techniques.

The findings of this work are expected to provide new insights into biomolecular phenomena potentially highly relevant to cancer and suggest new targets for therapies.

We offer:

- Start date: as soon as possible

- Full-time position for up to 4 years

- Salary of 120 000 PLN p.a. (total cost) = ca. 5.750 net/month

- Medical care package and social benefits

- Flexible working hours

- Collaborative and supportive work culture

- Participation in an ambitious interdisciplinary project

- Working with state-of-the-art research equipment

- Opportunity to gain unique professional experience

Key responsibilities:

- Planning and performing experiments

- Keeping record of experimental details

- Data analysis (e.g. fluorescent images and ‘big data' from proteomic experiments)

- Presenting results at internal and external meetings/conferences

- Preparing manuscripts for publication in scientific journals

Profile of candidates/requirements:

- PhD in biology, biochemistry, or chemistry (obtained after 1.04.2015)

- Good command of English

- Experience in conducting experiments in mammalian cell culture

- Experience in biochemical and molecular biology techniques

- Prior exposure to fluorescence microscopy

- Prior exposure to proteomics would be an advantage

Required documents (in English):

- Cover letter (1 page A4)

- CV

- List of publications

- Reference contacts (please do not send generic letters, contact details only)

If you think you are the person who we are looking for, please send your documents by the end of 15.03.2022 to the following address: recruitment@imol.institute with subject: “SONATA BIS R. Serwa – postdoc – application”

To allow us to process your data, please include the following statement in your application:

“I hereby consent to have my personal data processed by The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines Polish Academy of Sciences, with its registered office: Smetany 2, 00-783 Warszawa for the purpose of carrying out a recruitment process and I Agree for a transfer of provided data to any entity responsible for the implementation of project Sonata Bis. I have been informed of my rights and duties. I understand that provision of my personal data is voluntary.”

Contact Information

Organisation/Company: The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines Polish Academy of Sciences

Organisation Type: Public Research Institution

Website: https:// imol.instiutute

E-Mail: recruitment@imol.institute

Country: Poland

City: Warsaw

State/Province: mazowieckie

Postal Code: 00-783

Street: Smetany 2







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