信息来源:奥地利自然资源和生命科学大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2022-10-09 10:41
Postdoctoral Position
Universities And Institutes Of Austria
Organisation/Company: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Research Field: Chemistry › Organic chemistry
Researcher Profile: Established Researcher (R3)
Application Deadline: 22/10/2022 21:00 - Europe/Brussels
Location: Austria › Vienna
Type Of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 40
Offer Starting Date: 01/11/2022
A postdoctoral position in the field of organic chemistry and oligosaccharide synthesis for 21 months is available at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Austria; https: // boku.ac.at/en/chemie/institut-fuer- organische-chemie-dchoc
The project is funded by an NIH subaward and involves the chemical synthesis of high-mannose glycans combined with fragments of bacterial inner-core lipopolysaccharides. The ligands will be converted into glycoconjugates and utilized in ongoing immunization studies with the group of Ralph Pantophlet (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada) aiming to induce broadly neutralizing antibodies against the spike protein of HIV-1.
The position is for a period of 1.75 years funded by an NIH Subaward and is within the standard salary range for postdoctoral graduates in Austria according to the University Collective Agreement (B1 lit b) and under full coverage of the Austrian social security system. Gross monthly salary (payable 14 times per year) ~ 4061.
Well-equipped lab facilities and advanced instrumentation
Scientifically stimulating and supportive lab groups
Selection process
Applicants are asked to submit their CV, a detailed description of previous professional and scientific activities, a summary of PhD thesis (max 5 pages), and two academic reference letters directly to Prof. Paul Kosma: paul.kosma@boku.ac.at
Additional comments
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview
Offer Requirements Skills/Qualifications
Applicants should hold a PhD degree in Synthetic Organic Chemistry preferably with a strong background and experience in glycosylation and oligosaccharide chemistry and glycoconjugate preparation.
Specific Requirements
Profound experience in synthetic organic chemistry, analytical and purification methods (HPLC, MS, MALDI, NMR), dedication to challenging experimental work, a good command of written and spoken English and adherence to the rules of good scientific practice is required.
Contact Information
Organisation/Company: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Department: Chemistry - Organic Chemistry
Organisation Type: Higher Education Institute
Website: https:// www. chemie.boku.ac.at/en/
E-Mail: paul.kosma@boku.ac.at
Country: Austria
City: Vienna
Postal Code: A-1190
Street: Muthgasse 18
Phone: (+43)14765477355
Fax: (+43)14765477059