信息来源:比利时鲁汶大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2022-11-07 09:56
鲁汶大学(荷语:KU Leuven;英语:University of Leuven)是比利时久负盛名的最高学府,欧洲历史最悠久且最受人尊敬的大学之一,也是享誉全球的世界级顶尖研究型大学。
比利时鲁汶大学成立于1425年,由教宗马尔定五世下令建立,距今已有近六个世纪的校史,是现存最古老的天主教大学,同时也是西欧“低地国家”(包括荷兰、比利时、卢森堡等国)最古老的中世纪大学。近100多年来,它平均排名全球前20名。1968年起法语鲁汶大学 (UCL,亦被称为新鲁汶大学)从原鲁汶校区分离出来独立成为新学校。KU Leuven在比利时的荷语区并保留数百年来的学校原址,而UCL搬到比利时的法语区。两校都为国际生提供英语项目。
Postdoctoral Position in Protein Structural Dynamics and Folding Using HDX-MS
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
The Laboratory of Molecular Bacteriology, Rega Institute, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, KU Leuven (https: // rega.kuleuven.be/bac/economou) wishes to recruit a postdoctoral fellow in the following projects: a. Protein folding and chaperone interactions. b. Structural dynamics of membrane associated/embedded channels and motors. The lab studies protein trafficking through the Sec and the Type III secretion systems (Krishnamurty 2022 CellReports; Krishnamurty 2021 Structure; Yuan 2021 JMolBiol; Portaliou 2018 EMBO J; Saio 2014 Science 344; Gouridis 2013 Mol Cell 52; Chen 2011 Mol Cell 44; Gouridis 2009 Nature 462; Gelis 2007 Cell 131) and disordered/flexible human proteins involved in disease and chaperoning (e.g. Bcl-2 and IP3-regulated Ca2+ channel, prolyl oligopeptidase, endophilin; Rosa 2021 CellDeathDifferentiation; Tsirigotaki 2017 SciReports). In the process we develop HDX-MS-related methods (Smit 2021 Analytical Chemistry; Claesen 2021 Analytical Chemistry). We have a very international lab environment and use multi-disciplinary approaches that combine Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange/Native/nanoLC mass spectrometries and single molecule FRET as core tools with molecular microbiology and genetics, recombinant DNA technologies, enzymology, protein chemistry, protein biophysics (including Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, Circular Dichroism, ensemble fluorescence, size exclusion chromatography coupled online to static and dynamic laser light scattering detection). All methods are applicable on available lab equipment. Our lab Waters Synapt G2 MS is equipped with a nanoAcquity UPLC and HDX capabilities. We also have direct access to two Orbitraps: a Q-exactive and an Elite. We use MassLynx, PLGS, DynamiX and in- house developed software like PyHDX.
Website unit
Research at postdoctoral level using HDX-MS and related techniques and flows
Hold a BSc/PhD in Chemistry or Biochemistry or Physics or a related degree.
Have experience in using HDX-MS and/or native MS or other MS methods.
Be experienced in protein purification and biochemistry.
Have a genuine interest in research and scientific discovery and particularly in protein structural dynamics, protein interactions and folding.
Additional experience in biophysical methods and/or bioinformatics will be appreciated.
Have a good command of English.
The position is available immediately.
Applications should include:
A complete CV,
List of scientific publications,
Short summary of performed research project(s),
Detailed hands-on experience with MS instruments and
Names and contact details of 2-3 referees, should be sent to: Prof. Tassos Economou (tassos.economou@kuleven.be, subject: HDX2022LMB).
For more information please contact Mrs. Lily Karamanou, tel.: +32 16 37 92 08, mail: lily.karamanou@kuleuven.be or Prof. dr. Tassos Economou, tel.: +32 16 37 92 73, mail: tassos.economou@kuleuven.be.