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信息来源:瑞典吕勒奥理工大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2022-11-14 09:40



瑞典吕勒奥理工大学(瑞典语Luleå tekniska universitet)建成于1971年,是斯堪的纳维亚半岛上最北的理工大学,下设有11个系。

PostDoc Position In Exploration Geophysics

Lulea University


Luleå University of Technology experiences rapid growth with world-leading expertise within several research domains. We shape the future through innovative education and groundbreaking research results and drawing on our location in the Arctic region, we create global societal benefit. Our scientific and artistic research and education are carried out in close collaboration with international, national and regional companies, public actors and leading universities. Luleå University of Technology has an annual turnover of SEK 1.9 billion. Today, we have 1,815 staff and 19,155 students.

In the coming years, multi-billion investments will be made in large projects in Northern Sweden to create a fossil-free society both nationally and globally. Luleå University of Technology is involved in several of these cutting-edge research projects and in the societal transformation that they entail. We offer a broad range of courses and study programmes to match the skills in demand. We hope that you will help us to build the sustainable companies and societies of the future.

We are recruiting a PostDoc for a research project funded by ERAMIN2 on geophysical/geological modelling in selected areas of Sweden, Finland and Greenland. Take the opportunity to work in interdisciplinary, dynamic, international research environment in close collaboration with industry and leading universities worldwide.

Project description Mineral deposits are a small part of a very large geological context, the so-called mineral system. The first objective of D-Rex is to build onto this new paradigm with geophysical data from three prospective areas in Sweden, Greenland and Finland. Therefore, the second objective of D-Rex is the integration of multi-facetted geophysical data acquired at those prospective areas. The third objective of D-Rex is the unification, optimum integration and visualization of geological and geophysical data on the basis of the Common Earth Modelling (CEM) concept. Key element of the project involves: Electromagnetic (deposit scale) surveys; Development of multimethod 3D modelling/inversion technique; Joint inversion assisted by machine learning techniques to couple different geophysical parameters, to uncover correlations between them as well as their absence; Regional to deposit scale models integration into Common Earth Model based on all available geophysical and geological data; Building predictivity maps based on the regional models; Correlation and interpretation of regional scale together with deposit scale models.

Duties The position responsibilities include several aspects including both field work and theoretical/development work as well as communicate your results at national and international conferences and in scientific journals. The big part of your working time will be devoted to project and data management and commuting with partners. You will work primarily with geophysical data but with focus on integration/interchange with geological information from the parallel ore geology studies (e.g. field work, drill core logging and structural analysis). 3D geophysical data modelling/inversion is a key focus of this position. You will work on development and extending our MR3Dmod modelling/inversion framework as well as integrate with available commercial software (GOCAD, etc.). Laboratory work on petrophysical property estimation shall be performed in order to constrain the modelling. In addition, you will have to teacher courses as well as co-supervise PhD students. As a researcher, you work as a neutral party in many contexts, which provides a great opportunity to be involved in challenging development projects.

Qualifications In order to be eligible for employment as post doctor you must have a PhD or a foreign degree equivalent to a PhD in geophysics, mathematics, physics, geology or other relevant subject. A doctoral degree awarded no more than three years before the application deadline provides a useful qualification. Candidates who have been awarded a doctoral degree at an earlier date may also be considered if there are special grounds, for example, different types of statutory leave of absence.

Experience in software development (Matlab and Python in particular) and management of large data sets is important. Experience in geologically constraint inversion and modeling of geophysical data is an advantage. Geological and geophysical modelling will be important parts of the study and therefore experience from ore geology, structural geology and geological 3D-4D modelling with GoCAD or equivalent is a merit. You are expected to work in a team and are open to collaborate with colleagues and external partners. Fluent written and spoken English is required.

Further information Employment is limited to 2 years with possible extension for total 3 years, teaching and other department duties are included with max 20%. Starting: as soon as possible, by agreement. Placement: Luleå.

For further information about the position, please contact: Dr. Maxim Smirnov, Assoc. Professor in Exploration Geophysics, +46 920 49 3413, maxim.smirnov@ltu.se

Union representatives:SACO-SKjell Johansson (+46)920-49 1529 kjell.johansson@ltu.se, OFR-S Lars Frisk, (+46)920-49 1792 lars.frisk@ltu.se

In case of different interpretations of the English and Swedish versions of this announcement, the English version takes precedence.

Application We prefer that you apply for this position by clicking on the apply button below. The application should include a CV, personal letter and copies of verified diplomas from high school and universities. Mark your application with the reference number below. Your application, including diplomas, must be written in English or Swedish.

Closing date for applications : November 23, 2022 Reference number: 4024-2022








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