信息来源:法国代谢与心血管疾病研究所 | 作者:admin | 时间:2022-11-17 09:39
Postdoc Position In Cellular Biology And Mitochondrial Metabolism
Universities And Institutes Of France
Organisation/Company: Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (Toulouse)
Research Field: Biological sciences › Biology Chemistry › Biochemistry
Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3)
Application Deadline: 10/01/2023 00:00 - Europe/Athens
Location: France › Toulouse
Type Of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Offer Starting Date: 01/02/2023
The project of the LiMitAging team (Lipoprotein and Mitochondrial adaptation in Aging), led by Dr. Laurent Martinez, is to study the relation between some actors of mitochondrial functions and cardiometabolic-age related diseases, and is driven by the hypothesis that enhancing mitochondrial health and mitochondrial quality-control mechanisms will promote healthy aging.
The team's research in the field of lipoprotein and mitochondria led to identify original actors associated to lipid and mitochondrial energy metabolism.
Our objectives are to explore the physiological and pathophysiological roles of those molecular actors that regulate:
1. The mitochondrial complex V, ATP synthase, and its natural inhibitor IF1
2. Autophagy, particularly mitophagy
3. Ectopic ATP synthase and G protein-coupled P2Y receptors signaling pathways
Team's work has led to the development of original drug candidates and biomarkers that are currently being validated on preclinical models and cohorts, for early detection and resolution of mitochondrial dysfunctions in pre-frail eldery or in population at high risk of cardiometabolic diseases.
The research topic's links to the research environment in Toulouse: The LiMitAging team participates in the large regional Inspire program on healthy aging, launched in 2019. The Inspire consortium brings together the Gérontopôle of the Toulouse University Hospital and several research laboratories which have decided to combine their expertise to address key biological components (immunity, inflammation, metabolism, repair mechanisms) present in all organs, essential for their functioning and altered during aging.
Duration: Up to 48 months. A first 24-month fellowship is acquired and will allow to start as soon as February 2023 and to apply once to the FRM post-doctoral fellowship and twice to the 2-year MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (Sept. 2023 and 2024).
Offer Requirements Specific Requirements
Desired qualification:
Expertise in molecular, biochemical and imaging methods to study mitochondria. Expertise in mitochondrial energy metabolism Metabolic diseases for in-vivo studies in mice RNA-Seq and Data Analysis Experience in studying genetic regulation and epigenetic will be considered as a plus.
Personal qualities:
Personal suitability, good communication and teamwork skills, inventiveness, and a proactive approach, will be emphasized in the evaluation as well as relevant practical experience. The Postdoctoral Fellow will be expected to contribute to an active research community that promotes the personal and professional growth. The position places great demands on the applicant's capacity for independent goal-oriented work, ability to concentrate and attention to detail. In return, Dr Martinez is committed to provide the training and resources needed for the lab members to achieve their goals at any point in their career path in an inclusive and inspirational environment.
Eligibility criteria:
PhD in biology Strong publication record All nationalities Preference for candidates currently in post-doc abroad (outside France)
Contact Information
Organisation/Company: Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (Toulouse)
Organisation Type: Public Research Institution
Website: https:// www. i2mc.inserm.fr/index.php/en/
Country: France