信息来源:荷兰乌得勒支大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2022-11-22 10:15
乌特勒支大学(英语:Utrecht University;荷兰语:Universiteit Utrecht),世界顶尖公立研究型大学,是欧洲最古老的大学之一,是荷兰最好的三所“U类大学”之一,被U.S. News和软科多次评为荷兰第一。校训为"Sol Iustitiae Illustra Nos" ,意为 “阳之正义,泽于万众” 。乌特勒支大学建立于1636年3月26日,已拥有380年的历史。该校位于荷兰第四大城市乌得勒支,以其悠久的传统而闻名于世。迄今为止,乌特勒支大学共培养出12位诺贝尔奖得主以及15位斯宾诺莎奖得主。乌特勒支大学拥有超过3万学生,以及6700多名讲师教授。
Postdoc in Theory and Gravitational Wave Probes of Dense Matter Physics
Utrecht University
Job description
The Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at Utrecht University is currently looking for a postdoctoral researcher at the interface of theoretical advances in relativistic hydrodynamics with gravitational waves from neutron star binaries. You are going to work in the group of Tanja Hinderer and become member of the interdisciplinary Dutch consortium ‘Probing the phase diagram of quantum chromodynamics'. This is a collaboration of Utrecht University (Profs. Gürsoy, van den Broeck, Snellings, Christakoglou), the University of Amsterdam (Profs. Watts, Nissanke, Mösta) and the University of Groningen (Dr Even).
We are looking for a candidate who is enthusiastic and dedicated and who preferably:
holds a PhD degree in physics or a related field by the starting date of the employment;
has strong written and oral communication skills in English;
has a strong motivation for multidisciplinary research;
relevant expertise with dissipative multi-fluid systems, neutron star microphysics, and signatures of matter physics in gravitational waves is a plus.
We offer a temporary position (1.0 FTE) for three years in an international working environment. The gross salary - depending on previous qualifications and experience - ranges between