信息来源:美国加州大学欧文分校 | 作者:admin | 时间:2022-12-02 11:35
加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校(University of California, Irvine),简称“UC Irvine”“UCI”,又译加州大学尔湾分校或欧文分校,创建于1965年,隶属于加利福尼亚大学系统,是公立研究型大学,美国大学协会、环太平洋大学联盟、国际公立大学论坛成员,被誉为“公立常春藤”。
Postdoctoral in Biomedical Imaging (Imaging Instrumentation) - 2022-2023
Center for Chemistry at the Space-Time Limit
Position description
Position: Postdoctoral in Biomedical Imaging
The Department of Radiological Sciences, University of California, Irvine, anticipates openings in the TRUE Lab at UC Irvine. We are seeking a Postdoctoral in Biomedical Imaging. Candidate must be creative, dedicated, and team-oriented individual to join our research team (https: // truelab.som.uci.edu/). The TRUE lab focuses on theragnostics with radiation induced acoustic emission for radiological imaging and radiation oncology. Our lab is affiliated with the Department of Radiological Sciences in the School of Medicine and the Department of Biomedical Engineering in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering at UCI. And we are also part of Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic, and Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Requirements (Imaging instrumentation): Applicant would have PhD, MD or MD/PhD. Candidates who have a strong background in X-rays, protons, and ultrasonics are highly encouraged to apply. Researchers with experience in photoacoustic imaging will be given a priority.
Orange County is world renowned for its natural beauty, perfect year round climate, gorgeous locales on the Pacific Ocean and incomparable recreational opportunities. Great cultural opportunities abound in Orange County as well as in nearby Los Angeles, 40 minutes away and San Diego, about 60 minutes away.
The position is available immediately and will remain open until filled. Interested candidates should apply. Application Procedure – Please complete your application at UC Irvine's recruitment site located at: https: // recruit.ap.uci.edu/JPF07785
• CV • Cover Letter • 3 References (Contact information only)
For further information pertaining to this recruitment, please contact: L. Xiang, Ph.D. Department of Radiological Sciences Medical Sciences I, B-140 University of California Irvine, CA 92697
(email) liangzhx@hs.uci.edu Web Page: https: // truelab.som.uci.edu/
School : https: // recruit.ap.uci.edu/JPF07785
Basic qualifications (required at time of application)
PhD, MD or MD/PhD
Application Requirements
Document requirements
Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.
Cover Letter
Statement of Research (Optional)
Teaching Statement - See our guidance for writing a reflective teaching statement. (Optional)
Misc / Additional (Optional)
Reference requirements
3-5 required (contact information only)
Apply link: https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/JPF07785