信息来源:法国巴黎索邦大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2022-12-06 14:42
索邦大学(法文:Sorbonne Université;英文:Sorbonne University)简称“索邦”(Sorbonne),是一所位于法国巴黎拉丁区的研究型大学,法国卓越大学计划高校,是4EU+联盟、欧洲研究型大学联盟、欧洲首都大学联盟、欧洲大学协会成员,由原巴黎索邦大学(巴黎第四大学)和原皮埃尔和玛丽居里大学(巴黎第六大学)于2018年1月合并而成,现有文学、理学和医学三个主要院系。
Post-Doctoral Position
Universities and Institutes of France
Organisation/Company: ESPCI
Research Field: Physics › Condensed matter properties Physics › Solid state physics Physics › Surface physics
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1) Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline: 03/01/2023 00:00 - Europe/Athens
Location: France › Paris
Type Of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Open post-doctoral position in experimental physics
Address: Laboratory of Physics and Material studies (LPEM), ESPCI Paris - CNRS - Université PSL - Sorbonne Université
10, rue Vauquelin 75005 Paris France
https:// www. lpem.espci.fr
Starting date: beginning of 2023
Duration: 1 year + 1 year renewable
Topic: Electronic properties of organic magnetic molecules self-assembly / superconductor hybrids
The project aims to address the emergence of new coherent quantum states with possible topological properties in hybrids composed of magnetic molecules self-assemblies and superconductors. The electronic and structural properties at very low temperatures in ultra-high vacuum conditions will be studied by STM/STS and AFM associated with angle-resolved photoemission measurements.
The postdoctoral candidate will join the Quantumspecs team and will be in charge of sample preparation and spectroscopy/microscopy measurements in tandem with thesis and master students.
The contract is concluded for one year and is renewable for one year by agreement (salary: 2200-2800