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信息来源:澳大利亚昆士兰大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-01-29 10:05



昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland),简称“昆大”“UQ” ,世界高等科研学府。始建于1910年,是昆士兰州第一所综合型大学,同时还是六所砂岩学府之一,环太平洋大学联盟、澳大利亚八校联盟、UNIVERSITAS 21、国际铁路联盟及新工科教育国际联盟等组织成员。

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Heart Transplantation

University of Queensland

This is an exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to focus their efforts on developing their expertise and emerging research profile in their discipline. At this level it is expected that the incumbent will contribute to service and engagement roles and activities. The Fellow will have the opportunity to work with leading clinicians and scientists in the field of heart transplantation and donor organ preservation. In addition, the Fellow will be supported to take ownership of the project with a proven track record of the group to translate research into clinical trials.

Key responsibilities will include:

Produces quality research outputs consistent with discipline norms by publishing or exhibiting in high quality outlets.

Participate in applications for competitive research funding to support projects and activities.

Work with colleagues in the development of joint research projects and applications for competitive research funding support.

Contribute to progressing towards transfer of knowledge, technology, and practices to research end users through translation, including commercialisation of UQ intellectual property.

Develop a coherent research program and an emerging research profile.

Review and draw upon best practice research methodologies.

Supervision and Researcher Development

Contribute to the effective supervision of Honours and Higher Degree by Research students (as appropriate).

Demonstrates personal effectiveness in supervision and the management of researcher development.

Effective lead and develop supervisee performance and conduct by providing feedback, coaching, and professional development.

As appropriate, manage research support staff effectively throughout the employee lifecycle in accordance with University policy and procedures.

Working to promptly resolve conflict and grievances when they arise in accordance with University policy and procedures.

This role is subject to The University's Code of Conduct.

About Critical Care Research Group

The Critical Care Research Group (CCRG) is a multi-disciplinary research network based at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH). CCRG's research is focused on patients with critical illness whose outcomes depend on strong inter-departmental and international collaborations.

CCRG prides itself in being at the forefront of research into mechanical cardiovascular support devices and the development of multiple large animal (ovine) models for mechanistic studies to advance understanding of critical illness and patient care.

CCRG's aims are: 1. To translate new knowledge about critical illness into new or improved treatment modalities.

2. To educate and inform medical and other health professionals of the results of our research through:

publication in peer reviewed medical and other professional journals

presentation at professional meetings and conferences

3. To enhance the quality and significance of our research to become a nationally and internationally recognised research centre.

4. To facilitate inter-departmental collaboration between all specialties involved in acute care medicine. Through this work, we will achieve better outcomes in patients with acute illness.

About You

The primary purpose of this position is to assist in leading and coordinating our Heart Transplantation study.

Completion or near completion of a PhD in molecular biology, immunology, biochemistry, cell biology or related field .

An emerging profile in research in the discipline area.

Evidence of publications in reputed refereed journals and presenting at conferences.

Evidence of contributions towards successfully obtaining external research funding.

Some experience in meaningful internal service roles and contributions towards external activities.

Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues.

Ability to work in an efficient and well-organised manner under pressure.


Knowledge/experience in large animal models.

Knowledge/experience in working closely with clinical researchers.

Flexibility in working hours.

What We Can Offer

This is a Full-time , 100 % FTE Fixed Term position for 12 months with possible extension, at Academic Level A.

The full-time equivalent base salary will be in the range $74,308 to $99,426 plus super of up to 17%. The total FTE package will be in the range $86,941 to $116,329 per annum.

The following flexible employment options may be available for this role; some working from home; variable start or finish times; compressed hours; purchased leave; flexitime.

For further information about UQ's benefits, please visit Why Work at UQ and review The University of Queensland's Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2018 - 2021.


To discuss this role please contact Dr Jacky Suen j.suen1@uq.edu.au

For application queries, please contact recruitment@uq.edu.au stating the job reference number in the subject line.








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