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信息来源:瑞典隆德大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-01-31 10:39



隆德大学(Lund University)是瑞典王国一所现代化、具有高度活力和历史悠久的欧洲顶级学府,综合研究型大学,世界百强大学。其历史可以追溯到1425年毗邻隆德大教堂的方济各会学校,是斯堪的纳维亚半岛最古老的高等教育机构。1658年,瑞典从丹麦赢得斯科耐,随后该校于1666年在毗邻隆德大教堂的旧综合学院校址上正式成立。

Post-doctoral fellow in microbial ecology

Lund University

Lund university, Faculty of science, Department of Biology

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world's top 100 universities. The University has around 46 000 students and more than 8 000 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

Subject description Soils store much more carbon (C) than the atmosphere and the living biosphere together, and microorganisms play an important role to govern whether C compounds remain in the soil, or whether they are disintegrated back to CO2. An important mechanism of long-term C storage is the physical stabilization of organic matter within the soil structure, meaning that C can be “hidden” from its decomposers in the complex matrix of soil aggregates, but the processes involved are not well understood.

We are seeking to recruit a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow for an interdisciplinary project in microbial ecology at the Department of Biology, Lund University. The project focuses on performing experiments in microfluidic models for the physical and chemical heterogeneity simulating soil microhabitats. The project will be conducted in close collaboration with microfluidic engineers, and microspectroscopists. You will be part of an active research group at the Department of Biology https: // www. biology.lu.se/research/research-groups/microbial-ecology and collaborate with engineers at the Department of Biomedical Engineering https:// bme.lth.se/research-pages/nanobiotechnology-and-lab-on-a-chip/. The cross-disciplinary environment will provide the candidate with ample possibilities to learn new skills and methods ranging from biology to engineering.

Work duties The main duties involved in a post-doctoral posistion is to conduct research. Teaching may also be included, but up to no more than 20% of working hours. The position shall include the opportunity for three weeks of training in higher education teaching and learning.

Work duties include:

Design and perform soil microbial experiments in microfluidic chips

Design and perform experiments with soil systems

Culture laboratory strains of bacteria and fungi

Contribute to the development of automated image analysis and self- learning algorithms for microscopy data from the chips

Perform molecular analysis on soil microbes

Work in tight collaboration with an engineer that develops microscale heterogeneity, both physical and chemical, in microfluidic chips

Work in collaboration with a postdoc at MaxLab IV, providing samples for synchrotron analysis

Actively contribute to a positive and creative working atmosphere in the group

Qualification requirements Appointment to a post-doctoral position requires that the applicant has a PhD, or an international degree deemed equivalent to a PhD, within the subject of the position, completed no more than three years before the date of employment decision. Under special circumstances, the doctoral degree can have been completed earlier (this may be adjusted based on, for example, documentation of parental leave or military service).

Additional requirements:

Very good proficiency in written and communicated English

Good communication skills and the ability to work well with other members of the research team

Assessment criteria and other qualifications This is a career development position primarily focused on research. The position is intended as an initial step in a research career, and the assessment of the applicants will primarily be based on their research qualifications and potential as researchers.

Particular emphasis will be placed on research skills within the subject.

For appointments to a post-doctoral position, the following shall form the assessment criteria:

Experience in culturing laboratory strains of bacteria and fungi under sterile conditions is a merit

Experience with microfluidic model systems is a merit

Experience in image analysis, modeling and self-learning algorithms is a merit

Experience in molecular analysis of soil microbes is a merit

Documented ability to develop and carry out high-quality research

Documentation of successful completion of research projects

High intellectual capacity and problem-solving ability Technical and analytical know-how, organization skills

Enthusiasm, dedication and an ability to work both independently and embedded in a team

Consideration will also be given to good collaborative skills, drive and independence, and how the applicant's experience and skills complement and strengthen ongoing research within the department, and how they stand to contribute to its future development.

Terms of employment This is a full-time, fixed-term employment of 2 years. The period of employment is determined in accordance with the agreement “Avtal om tidsbegränsadanställningsompostdoktor” (“Agreement on fixed-term employment as a post-doctoral fellow”) between Lund University, SACO-S and OFR/S, dated 1st February 2022.

Contac Edith Hammer (edith.hammer@biol.lu.se) for further information.

Instructions on how to apply Applications shall be written in English and be compiled into a PDF-file containing:

Motivation letter

Résumé/CV , including date of public PhD thesis defense or equivalent, title of the thesis, previous appointments, current position, academic distinctions and special expertise

Full list of publications General description of past research and future research interests (no more than one page)

Names, relation to and contact information of 2 professional references

Copy of the doctoral degree certificate, and other certificates/grades that you wish to be considered.

The Faculty of Science conducts research and education within Biology, Astronomy, Physics, Geosciences, Chemistry, Mathematics and Environmental Science. The Faculty is organized into nine departments, gathered in the northern campus area. The Faculty has approximately 1500 students, 330 PhD students and 700 employees.

We kindly decline all sales and marketing contacts.

Type of employment Temporary position longer than 6 months

Contract type Full time Number of positions 1 Full-time equivalent 100 City Lund County Skånelän Country Sweden Reference number PA2022/4177 Contact

Edith Hammer, edith.hammer@biol.lu.se

Union representative

OFR/ST:Fackförbundet ST:s kansli, 046-2229362

SACO:Saco-s-rådet vid Lundsuniversitet, kansli@saco-s.lu.se

SEKO: Seko Civil, 046-2229366

Published 04.Jan.2023 Last application date 25.Jan.2023 11:59 PM CET








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