信息来源:德国图宾根大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-02-03 10:25
艾伯哈特-卡尔斯-图宾根大学(拉丁文:Universitas Eberhardina Carolina;德文:Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen)简称图宾根大学,坐落于原符腾堡伯国故都、今巴登-符腾堡州大学城图宾根,由艾伯哈特伯爵于公元1477年创建,是欧洲最古老的大学之一,德国精英大学、德国U15大学联盟、欧洲研究型大学协会、欧洲公民大学联盟、欧洲大学协会、昴宿星大学联盟成员。
Postdoc in hominin behavior at the Paleoanthropology Working Group (m/f/d, TV-L E13, 100%)
University of Tuebingen
Offerd Salary:
ill be according to the German Salary System TV-L 13
Working address:
Contract Type:
Working Time:
Working type:
Ref info:
Postdoc in hominin behavior at the Paleoanthropology Working Group (m/f/d,
TV-L E13, 100%)
Faculty of Science, Geosciences, Palaeoanthropology
Application deadline: 20.02.2023
The Paleoanthropology working group of the University of Tübingen seeks to fill a limited position of a Postdoc (m/f/d, TV-L E13, 100%)
in hominin behavior.
Areas of expertise include, but are not limited to, evolution of diet and subsistence, evolution of pyrotechnology and the use of fire, and evolution of life history and social behavior in Plio-Pleistocene hominins. The position should start as soon as possible and will be limited to 5 years.
The successful candidate will show a strong research agenda in his or her field of expertise. He or she will be expected to develop collaborative projects as well as conduct independent research. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the teaching curriculum in paleoanthropology, both at the graduate and undergraduate levels and to pursue external funding opportunities.
Requirements for the position include a Ph.D. in the above-mentioned or related fields, postdoctoral experience, and an outstanding research record.
Salary will be according to the German Salary System TV-L 13, 100 %. The university seeks to raise the number of women in research and teaching and therefore urges qualified women academics to apply for these positions. Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preference in the hiring process. The university is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. It therefore takes individual's situation into account and asks for relevant information. The employment will be carried out by the central administration of the University of Tübingen
Applications should be submitted electronically no later than February 20, 2023. They should include (1) a statement of research achievements and future directions, (not to exceed 3 pages), (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) reprints of up to 3 key publications, (4) and the names and contact information of three referees.
Please send applications to the following email address: E-Mail: monika.dollspamprevention@ifu.uni-tuebingen.de