信息来源:英国杜伦大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-02-09 14:11
杜伦大学(Durham University;勋衔:Dunelm),始建于1832年,坐落于英国杜伦,世界著名研究型大学。罗素大学集团、全球大学高研院联盟、昴宿星大学联盟、科英布拉集团、N8大学联盟、NCUK、欧洲大学协会、英联邦大学协会、RENKEI成员,Doxbridge赛事参赛校。1837年,威廉四世颁发皇家特许状,1986年,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会评选杜伦大教堂和城堡为世界文化遗产。
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Durham University - Durham Chemistry
Salary:£35,333 to £36,333
Hours:Full Time
Contract Type:Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On:3rd February 2023
Closes:1st March 2023
Job Ref:23000027
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in synthetic organic chemistry with emphasis on the synthesis of polymers. The associate will join a multi-disciplinary research team, working across the Departments of Chemistry and Physics at Durham, and the Department of Biology at the University of York. We are developing a novel molecular probe-based strategy to rapidly identify changes in bacterial behaviour as a result of evolution within the host. During chronic infections, bacteria evolve and diversify within the host, leading to persistent, difficult to manage infections – a process known as ‘pathoadaptation.’ This project will involve the synthesis of molecular probes, and their fabrication into imaging platforms to study the processes of pathoadaptation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which causes chronic lung infections.
This post is fixed term for 36 months because the UKRI funding is available for this fixed period only.
Start date flexible from 1st May 2023. Please direct any enquiries to Dr Clare Mahon (clare.mahon@durham.ac.uk)
The Department
Durham Chemistry is a leading international chemistry department (112th in QS World University Subject Rankings 2021) and one of the very best in the UK, with an outstanding reputation for excellence in teaching, research and employability of our students. Ranked fifth overall in REF2014 and first for impact, we are an active and vibrant department with many of our staff internationally-acclaimed researchers. We have a strong cohort of early career researchers, future leaders, pursuing innovative research agendas. Our research is concentrated on six research areas, supported by world-class facilities, including high quality analytical and spectroscopic support: Functional Molecules & Materials, Physical Organic & Assembly; Computational & Dynamics; Soft Matter & Interfaces; Catalysis & Sustainable Chemical Processes; Bioactive Chemistry & Synthesis.
Ranked second in the Guardian University Guide 2021 our undergraduate programmes are highly rated outside of the Department and well received by our students. We offer both Bachelors (BSc) and Integrated Masters (MChem) which can include a year in industry or overseas. Our Integrated Masters degrees are accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). At postgraduate level our students come from all over the world to carry out research. Durham Chemistry (along with Durham Physics and in partnership with the Universities of Leeds and Edinburgh), is home to the Centre for Doctoral Training in Soft Matter and Interfaces, SOFI CDT. We are also have a partnership with the University of Newcastle in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Molecular Sciences for Medicine. Each year we admit around 120 single honours undergraduates and around 40 PhD students.