信息来源:美国阿贡国家实验室 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-06-07 14:37
美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory,简称ANL)是美国政府最早建立的国家实验室,也是美国最大的科学与工程研究实验室之一——在美国中西部为最大。阿贡前身是芝加哥大学的冶金实验室 (Metallurgical Lab),现在隶属于美国能源部和芝加哥大学。诺贝尔物理学奖得主费米于1942年在此领导小组建立了人类第一台可控核反应堆(芝加哥一号堆,Chicago Pile-1),完成了曼哈顿计划的重要一环,并且使人类从此迈入原子能时代。
Postdoctoral Appointee - Solar Energy Conversion Group
Argonne National Laboratory
Job Description
The Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division is seeking a Postdoctoral Appointee in the Solar Energy Conversion Group, and as a member, the post-doctoral appointee will conduct fundamental research on photoinduced electron transfer pathways in molecular and supramolecular architectures in solution and immobilized on electrode substrates to understand how the very first electron transfer steps impact photochemical outcomes. The newly developed molecular materials will consist of chromophore units, electron donors and acceptors, and catalyst models or active catalysts. The characterization of light-driven reaction pathways and structural dynamics in these new materials will be accomplished by transient optical spectroscopy, and X-ray scattering and spectroscopy analyses at the Advanced Photon Source and by collaboration with experimenters at X-ray Free Electron Laser sources.
The post-doc will be expected to synthesize new molecular and supramolecular photocatalytic materials by organic and inorganic synthetic procedures and perform standard characterization and molecular identification methods; characterize the structure, redox, and photophysical properties using a range of physical and spectroscopy techniques; analyze data, prepare manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed publications, and make presentations at scientific meetings; maintain comprehensive knowledge of pertinent literature; develop new ideas, concepts, and/or research proposals.
Position Requirements
·Considerable knowledge of and experimental expertise in multistep, air-sensitive organic/inorganic syntheses, purification techniques, and standard characterization methods
·Demonstrated experience in synthesis and characterization of transition-metal coordination compounds and new ligand structures by scientific publications in relevant journals is desired
·Good interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills. Good skill in data processing, evaluation, and interpretation. Good skill in working in an interdisciplinary research team setting
·Some knowledge of and experimental expertise in one or more of the following techniques is a plus: absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy, electrochemistry, transient optical spectroscopy, X-ray scattering, X-ray absorption spectroscopy
·This level of knowledge is typically achieved through a formal education in inorganic chemistry or related disciplines at the Ph.D. degree level with 0 to 3 years of experience or equivalent in the scientific application of this knowledge and practical laboratory experience