信息来源:波兰华沙大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-06-27 09:37
华沙大学(波兰文:Uniwersytet Warszawski;拉丁文:Universitas Varsoviensis;英文:University of Warsaw)简称华大(UW),坐落于波兰共和国首都暨最大城市华沙,是世界级著名研究型大学、中欧地区顶尖高等学府、世界三百强名校以及波兰规模最大的高等学府。英国泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名曾将华沙大学列为“欧洲最好的100所大学”之中。
A Postdoc Position In General Relativity
Universities and Institutes of Poland
15 Jun 2023
Job Information
University of Warsaw
Faculty of Physics Institute of Theoretical Physics
Research Field
Physics » Relativity
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
Application Deadline
19 Jul 2023 - 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
Offer Description
The planned employment will be realized within the OPUS project Horizons and gravitational radiation financed by the National Science Centre. The subjects of the research will include: (i) horizon equations including the Petrov type D equation and the near horizon geometry equation, respectively (ii) black hole quasinormal modes. The work will be carried out at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw under the supervision of Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Lewandowski. The employment period is 12 months (without a possibility to extend). The starting date of the appointment is to be agreed on with the selected candidate but must be before the end of the calendar year 2023.
The candidates have to conform to the conditions stated in art. 113 of Higher Education Law dated 20.07.2018. (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2023, item 742 with subsequent amendments)
Research Field
Physics » Relativity
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
The candidate is expected to have knowledge on general relativity, in particular the topic of the Petrov type D equation satisfied by the geometry of isolated horizon and gravitational radiation in spacetimes with cosmological constant or black hole quasinormal modes.
Specific Requirements
PhD degree in physics or related field obtained in an entity other than the entity in which employment in this position is planned; A doctoral degree should be obtained before starting employment and not earlier than 7 years before the year of the employment. This period can be extended in case of a parental or sick leave.
The Principal Investigator of the project from which post- doc position is offered was neither a promotor nor assistant promotor of the candidate's doctoral dissertation.
The employment period cannot be shorter than 6 months.
During the period of receiving remuneration for a post-doc position, the employed person will not receive any other remuneration from the funds allocated as direct costs from research projects funded under NCN calls
During the period of receiving remuneration, the employed person will not receive remuneration from another employer on the basis of an employment contract, including an employer based outside Poland
Research Field
Physics » Relativity
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4
Research Field
Physics » Relativity
Years of Research Experience
4 - 10
Additional Information
Eligibility criteria
The candidate is expected to hold a doctoral degree in Physics and have knowledge on general relativity, in particular either on the topic of the horizon equations (the Petrov type D and the near horizon geometry ones) or black hole quasinormal modes.
Selection process
The candidate should send all the documents via e-mail to jerzy.lewandowski@fuw.edu.pl in the form of PDF files with scanned signatures (e-mail title: „Postdoc OPUS”). In order to start the employment process, a successful candidate will have to submit the original signed documents mentioned above.
The entire procedure will be concluded before August 31,2023. The candidate might be asked for an interview with the commission appointed by the Dean of the Faculty.
All candidates will be informed about the results of their application by e-mail.
Additional comments
Employment details:
The candidate should provide the following documents:
application for the position - the pdf-format with a scanned signature.
Information on the processing of personal data - information clause and consent clause - attachment to the announcement (available on the website https: // bsp.adm.uw.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2021/01/Klauzula-informacyjna-przy-rekrutacji-do-pracy112019EN.docx - the pdf-format with a scanned signature.
Statement on reading and accepting the rules for job applications for a position of an academic teacher at the University of Warsaw (available on the website https: // www. fuw.edu.pl/dokumenty-i-formularze.html ) - the pdf-format with a scanned signature.
Copy of doctoral diploma and other relevant documents confirming candidate's qualifications.
List of publications with candidates's achievement indicated as the most important.
Two reference letters.