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信息来源:芬兰图尔库大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-06-30 10:03



芬兰图尔库大学(芬兰语:Turun yliopisto;瑞典语:Åbo universitet),是芬兰著名的综合性多学科大学之一。该校成立于1920年,1974年大学改为公立。现任芬兰总统即毕业于该校,基本授课语言为芬兰语。按照其正式注册学生的数量来说,图尔库大学是芬兰规模第三的大学,仅次于赫尔辛基大学和阿尔托大学。图尔库大学提供本科、硕士和博士层次的高等教育,其授课语言主要为芬兰语,但为了吸引国际留学生,图尔库大学还开设了一部分用英语授课的专业。

Postdoctoral Researcher in Psychology

University of Turku

Postdoctoral Researcher in Psychology

The University of Turku is an inspiring and international academic community of 25,000 students and staff in Southwest Finland. We build a sustainable future with multidisciplinary research, education, and collaboration. With us, your work will have a significant impact and relevance in the changing world.


Postdoctoral Researcher in Psychology for the period October 1, 2023 – May 31, 2025.

The Department of Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology conducts internationally high-quality research and provides research-based undergraduate and graduate education in the subjects of psychology and speech- language pathology. The location of the department in the Faculty of Social Sciences in the vicinity of Turku University Central Hospital enables diverse interdisciplinary scientific activities. In addition to teaching and research, the department also acts as a significant influencer in the field of speech- language pathology and psychology. The aim of the department is to reach the international top in research and teaching of speech therapy and psychology.

The postdoctoral researcher will be working for research projects that use behavioral knowledge, mainly altering choice architecture and nudge theory, in mitigation of climate change. Main aims are to 1) decrease greenhouse gas emissions in transportation and 2) optimize use of carbon storages in forestry. The master project is ”Nudging for climate: Using behavioral sciences for steering communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fortify carbon sinks (CLIMATE-NUDGE)”: www. ilmastotuuppaus.fi/en. The projects include surveys and field experiments that test the behavioral interventions.

The postdoctoral researcher is expected to have expertise in behavioral sciences, and different behavioral methods, especially nudging. The job includes acting as an expert and taking responsibility in research activities of these projects, also supervising students. We expect you to carry out independent research that fits into the themes of these projects. You are expected to be willing and able to collaborate with other researchers of the team and collaborators of the projects. We value creativity and innovation.

We offer a possibility to do research with societal impact and work with experienced experts in a multidisciplinary research environment. Our research team includes experts of psychology, social psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, and behavioral economics. Our vast networks enable contacts with Finnish research organizations, stakeholders and decision-makers. We are well connected also internationally. We will support you in your research activities, including applying for your own funding.

Requirements: The eligibility criteria for the position is defined in the rules of procedure of the University of Turku https: // www. utu.fi/sites/default/files/public%3A//media/file/UTURulesofProcedure.pdf (sections 37).

The person to be appointed as a postdoctoral researcher is required to have

a doctoral degree and

the ability to do independent scientific work as well as having the necessary teaching skills.

Employment relationship, salary and university as a workplace: The person chosen for the position is expected to begin in their employment on the 1st of October, 2023 or as per agreement. The position is subject to a six (6) months trial period.

The salary is determined by the collective agreement system of Finnish universities. The position belongs to the category of teaching and research personnel. The pre-estimated salary will be in average 3500–4300 eur/month. The exact salary will depend on the person's competence and research experience and will be specified when the employment contract is prepared. Progress in the researcher's personal performance will be taken into account when determining the salary during employment.

We value equality and diversity in our work community and encourage qualified applicants to apply for our open positions. Read more about University of Turku as an employer on Come Work with Us! University of Turku (utu.fi).

How to apply: Applications should be accompanied by:

a CV,

a list of publications,

a motivation letter (do not use artificial intelligence in writing your motivation letter; we want to get to know you and your style of writing)

if you want to show us your skills in using artificial intelligence, you can (but don't have to) attach a 1-page production that you have created using artificial intelligence, with the theme “Climate nudge”. Report the process of creation on another page.

The appendices should follow the guidelines of the faculty, see: https: // www. utu.fi/en/university/faculty-of-social-sciences/career.

The electronic database allows the applicant to submit only one application file to each application section. Information on the file forms to be used can be found in the additional information of each application. Please note that the database only allows the publications to be submitted in a packaged form (.zip). One zip-file may include several individual files.

Applications must be submitted by the August 15 , 2023 (23:59) using the electronic application form of the University of Turku on the following address: Open Vacancies at the University of Turku University of Turku (utu.fi).The link to the application system is at the beginning of this announcement (“Apply for the job”).

For further information, please contact Professor Paula Salo, +358-29-450 3029, paula.salo@utu.fi (from June 28, 2023 to July 7, 2023 and from August 14, 2023 to August 15, 2023). If you wish to discuss the job over the phone, arrange a time via email. Any inquiries about the recruitment process or the e-recruitment system will be answered by HR Specialist Nina Kramsu, +358-29-450 4981, nikram@utu.fi (from June 28, 2023 to July 5, 2023 and from August 10, 2023 to August 15, 2023).

Working in Finland The university offers good support and orientation for international hires. Please learn more about the culture and people:

Working culture https: // www. infofinland.fi/en/living-in-finland/work-and- enterprise/finnish-working-culture

This is Finland https: // finland.fi/

This is Turku & Southwest Finland https: // careerinsouthwestfinland.fi/

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