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信息来源:瑞典厄勒布鲁大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-07-03 10:50



厄勒布鲁大学(Örebro University)的起源可以追溯到20世纪六十年代乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University)和皇家理工学院(KTH Royal Institute of Technology)在厄勒布鲁开设一系列的课程。1977年,厄勒布鲁大学学院由乌普萨拉大学分校、学前教育学院,体育与运动科学学院和社会科学学院合并而成。1999年被瑞典政府授予“大学”称号,是瑞典10所综合性顶级高校(乌普萨拉大学,隆德大学,哥德堡大学,斯德哥尔摩大学,卡尔斯塔德大学,林奈大学,林雪平大学,瑞典中部大学,于默奥大学,厄勒布鲁大学)之一。瑞日Mirai成员。

Postdoctoral researcher in Culinary Arts and Meal Science

Örebro University

Ref nr: ORU 2.1.1-04425/2023

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher in Culinary Arts and Meal Science for a fixed-term position at the School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science.

Subject area

The subject area for this position is Culinary Arts and Meal Science.


“Plant-based Proteins for Health and Wellbeing - PAN Sweden” is an interdisciplinary research centre clarifying the relationship between processing, structure, bioavailability, digestion and fermentation of proteins and health effects in terms of gut, metabolic and mental health, with the consumer in focus. Coordinated by Örebro University, PAN Sweden is a collaboration of Örebro University, Chalmers University of Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala University, and RISE Sweden, together with Swedish industrial and public health partner organisations. Our vision is that food produced in environmentally sustainable ways and with health benefits will become consumers' preferred choice. PAN Sweden wants to expand its scientific staff with early-stage researchers with a genuine interest in interdisciplinary research.

The position will be located at the School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meals Science at Örebro University. Örebro University is a modern, broad- based, and growing university, currently, 1 500 employees and 17 000 students come to work and study at the university. The School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meals Science provides education for the Hospitality Industry as well as for the public meal sector and the food industry. The school offers two study programs at bachelor level: Chef and Culinary Arts and Meal Science, Sommelier and Culinary Arts and Meal Science, and Meal. The research is organized into three areas: Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Sensory Science. The position will be connected to the sensory laboratory (SENSE LAB), established as a platform for research and collaboration within the area of sensory science in a context of gastronomy.

Duties and responsibilities

The appointment as a postdoctoral researcher is intended to enable persons who have recently been awarded their doctoral degree to consolidate and develop primarily their research skills.

The position will be allocated to the work package, gastronomic test environments with the responsibility to conduct studies with the aim to improve pleasantness of meals containing plant-based proteins in various restaurant settings including recipe development. In collaboration with the research team and industry partners the applicant will have the responsibility to independently design and to implement research studies, to analyse data and to produce scientific articles in international journals.


Those qualified for appointment as a postdoctoral researcher are applicants who at the time of appointment hold a doctoral degree or have a degree from abroad deemed to correspond to a doctoral degree. Applicants with doctoral degrees that have been awarded no more than 3 years prior to the application deadline are to be considered first. The applicant may not previously have held a position as a postdoctoral researcher for more than one year in the same subject and at the same higher education institution. The position is for a term of at least 2 years initially but may be extended for a further 1 year. If the person during the period of employment has been on parental leave, the period of employment is to be extended by the corresponding number of days. The period of employment may also be extended in the event of absence due to illness.

Assessment criteria

A basis for the assessment is the applicant's ability to disseminate information and communicate; collaborate and engage with the wider community; and facilitate utilisation of the university's research. In addition, the applicant's suitability for the position will be assessed. Suitability refers to the applicant demonstrating the personal qualities required to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities at hand, the ability to cooperate with other members of staff, and the ability to contribute to the development of the operations.

Particular attention is to be paid to the applicant's prospects of contributing to the future development of both research and education. Importance is also attached to a demonstrated ability and ambition to embark on a career within academia.

The position is appointed primarily for purposes of research and applicants are expected to hold a doctoral degree in culinary arts and meal science or in related subjects such as sensory science, food science, gastronomy, and technology or in consumer food science - or acquired substantially corresponding knowledge. Practical experience from or otherwise good knowledge in the hotel and restaurant industry is meritorious, as well as a genuine interest in gastronomy and product development.

Importance is attached to suitability, that is, personal characteristics required to perform the duties and responsibilities at hand, to cooperate with other members of staff, and to contribute to the development of Örebro University's operations. The person we are looking for has good interpersonal and cooperative skills, power of initiative, and an interest in development efforts. Good communicative skills in English, both in speech and writing, are mandatory.


This is a full-time position for two (or three) years. At Örebro University, salary depends on the successful candidate's qualifications and experience.

For more information about the position, contact Åsa Öström, +46 19 30 20 09, email: .

At Örebro University, we expect each member of staff to be open to development and change; take responsibility for their work and performance; demonstrate a keen interest in collaboration and contribute to development; as well as to show respect for others by adopting a constructive and professional approach.

Örebro University actively pursues equal opportunities and gender equality as well as a work environment characterised by openness, trust and respect. We value the qualities that diversity adds to our operations.


The application is made online. Click the button “Apply” to begin the application procedure.

For the application to be complete, the following electronic documents must be included:

Covering letter, outlining how you believe you can contribute to the continued development of Örebro University

CV with a relevant description of your overall qualifications and experience

Account of research qualifications and experience

Copies of relevant course/degree certificates and references verifying eligibility and criteria met

Relevant scientific publications (maximum of 10 and in full-text format)

Only documents written in Swedish, English, Norwegian and Danish can be reviewed. More information for applicants will be found on our career site: https: // www. oru.se/english/career/available-positions/applicants-and-external- experts/

The application deadline is 2023-08-11. We look forward to receiving your application!

As we have already made our choices in terms of external collaboration partners and marketing efforts for this recruitment process, we decline any contact with recruitment agencies and advertisers.

As directed by the National Archives of Sweden ( Riksarkivet ), we are required to deposit one file copy of the application documents, excluding publications, for a period of two years after the appointment decision has gained legal force.









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