信息来源:英国利兹大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-07-04 14:01
利兹大学(University of Leeds),是一所位于英国利兹的公立综合性研究型大学、世界百强名校,英国红砖大学,是罗素大学集团,世界大学联盟、国际大学气候联盟、欧洲大学协会、英联邦大学协会、中英大学工程教育与研究联盟、RENKEI、N8大学联盟、白玫瑰大学联盟成员。利兹大学商学院获AACSB、EQUIS和AMBA三重认证,是全球商学院网络、“一带一路”商学院联盟、中欧商校联盟成员。
Research Fellow FReSH START, NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research
University of Leeds
Job Description
Overview of the Role
Are you an ambitious researcher looking for your next challenge? Do you have a background in applied health research? Do you want to further your career in one of the UK’s leading research intensive Universities?
We wish to recruit a Research Fellow to join a programme of work to develop and evaluate a new therapeutic approach with adults who repeatedly self-harm. The overall programme of work is called FReSH START: Function REplacement in repeated Self-Harm: Standardising Therapeutic Assessment and the Related Therapy. FReSH START is funded by the National Institute for Health Research through Programme Grants for Applied Health Research. We are currently in the evaluation phase with a multisite RCT and associated process evaluation underway. The post holder will work with a Senior Research Fellow to ensure successful completion of the process analysis, support study site researchers who are recruiting participants to the trial, and facilitate the involvement of our lived experience group.
In order to undertake this role, you will have an understanding of NHS services including mental health services, and experience of undertaking research projects. You should be familiar with NHS ethics and governance arrangements and have good qualitative research skills. It is essential that you are an effective communicator with good interpersonal skills as this post involves working with staff and service users. You should have a high level of cultural awareness and diversity issues in research practice.
The projects involve a diverse range of activities including substantial qualitative work involving interviews, and working directly with people with personal experience of self-harm.
To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:
Dr Cathy Brennan
Email C.A.Brenna@leeds.ac.uk Phone +44(0)113 343 0810
Interviews to be week commencing 4 September 2023