信息来源:美国康涅狄格大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-07-25 09:57
康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut,简称UConn),创建于1881年,是位于美国康涅狄格州一所公立研究型大学,“公立常春藤” 的学校之一。学校位列2021U.S. News美国最佳大学排名全美第63名。
康涅狄格大学受新英格兰院校协会承认,也是美国东部竞技联盟(BEC)和 Universitas 21协会的成员之一。校友分布在商界、政界、新闻界、学术界、体育界等多个领域,其中包括诺贝尔物理学奖得主 David Lee、普利策奖得主 Tim Page、沃尔玛主席 William S. Simon、日本任天堂副主席 George Harrison、美国人民联合银行董事长 John Klein、土耳其国家总理Tansu Çiller、美国康涅狄格州州长Thomas Meskill、康涅狄格州首府哈特福德市市长 Pedro Segarra、美国杜兰大学校长 Scott S. Cowen、美国宇航员 Franklin Diaz、NBA球星雷·阿伦、鲁迪·盖伊等以及多名美国国会议员。
Postdoc Positions in Molecular Mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease
University of Connecticut School of Medicine
Job Description
Two postdoc positions are available immediately in the Laboratory of Dr. Yulan Xiong at the Department of Neuroscience, University of Connecticut School of Medicine (UConn Health). The research positions will be working on the molecular pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease projects. Our lab uses various model systems including yeast, Drosophila, mice, primary and human neuronal cultures. The general approach in our lab is to use a powerful combination of genetics, molecular biology, viral approaches and behavioral analysis to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases in humans. Our research is currently supported by NIH R01, private foundations and UConn Health. Recent work from our lab have been published at The EMBO Journal, Science Signaling, Cell Reports, PNAS etc.
* In vitro molecular and cellular study of gene function in Parkinson's disease: dissect protein function and cellular pathways
* In vivo Parkinson disease modeling: develop fly, mouse and human dopamine neuronal models
Postdoctoral fellows receive competitive salaries and benefits according to NIH standard.
Interested applicants please submit an application to Dr. Xiong at yxiong@uchc.edu along with a cover letter, CV and contact information for three professional references.
UConn health campus is located within driving distance from major metropolitan areas, including Boston (2 hours), New York City (2 hours) etc.
More information is available at: https://health.uconn.edu/xiong-lab/