信息来源:美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-10-10 10:18
马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts Amherst,简称UMass Amherst),又译麻省大学阿默斯特分校、安姆赫斯特分校等,始建于1863年,坐落在美国马萨诸塞州的阿默斯特镇(Amherst),是麻省大学系统的旗舰校区,也是建校最早的校区,为世界大学联盟成员。每年约有21,000本科生和6,200研究生,包括来自近100个国家的国际学生在这里学习。
作为一所实力雄厚的大学,麻省大学阿默斯特分校属于国家一级研究型大学,同时也是美国文理学院四大联盟之一的麻省五校联盟中的成员。2020年世界大学学术排名位列全美61名,2020年U.S. News美国最佳大学排名中位列第64位,世界大学排名中位列第142位。2021泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名201-250位。2021QS世界大学排名270位。在2020年计算机领域权威排名CSRankings中位列全美第12位,全球第16位,其中计算机系统方向排名全美第8位,人工智能方向排名全美第11位。此外,UMass Amherst在多个学科领域都享有极高的学术声誉,其高分子专业排名全美第1,食品科学专业排名全美第1(世界第2),景观设计全美第2,语言学专排名全美第6,性别学排名第11,人类学排名第31。
Postdoctoral Research Associate - Radio Frequency Engineering and Embedded Systems
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Job Description
We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled Postdoctoral Research Associate to join our dynamic team in the field of Radio Frequency (RF) engineering and embedded systems. This position offers an exciting opportunity to collaborate on cutting-edge research projects and contribute to advancements in RF circuit design, communication systems, and sensor interfacing with particular emphasis on wearable computing. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in conducting experiments, developing innovative solutions, and disseminating research findings. The candidate will be co-supervised by Professors Sunghoon Ivan Lee and Jeremy Gummeson.
The home institution for the position is the University of Massachusetts Amherst, at the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences, a top-25 Computer Science program in the nation.
Key Responsibilities:
Contributes to research in a highly technical Computer Science and Electrical Engineering lab. This can involve: developing new ideas, hardware, and software; designing, documenting, modifying, and debugging engineering systems; evaluating and validating, circuits, algorithms, and architectures.
Supervises research assistants.
Carries out experiments in association with students, staff, and faculty.
Describes techniques and results for use in scientific papers and conferences; assists in writing reports and articles.
Contributes to the development of new research proposals.
Ph.D. in Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field with a focus on, or experience in, Radio Frequency (RF) engineering and embedded systems.
Capacity for excellent research, as demonstrated by publications or other professional activities, appropriate to the number of years in the field.
Deep understanding of RF engineering, including impedance analysis and optimized matching solutions.
Proficiency in Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design of RF circuits, implementation, debugging, and testing in laboratory and real-world settings.
Experience coding communication stacks and sensor interfacing for bare metal C embedded systems.
Strong written and oral communication skills.
Additional Information
The initial appointment will be for one (1) year with the possibility of reappointment contingent upon satisfactory performance and the availability of funding.
Salary will be commensurate with experience.