信息来源:美国阿贡国家实验室 | 作者:admin | 时间:2023-11-02 09:07
美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory,简称ANL)是美国政府最早建立的国家实验室,也是美国最大的科学与工程研究实验室之一——在美国中西部为最大。阿贡前身是芝加哥大学的冶金实验室 (Metallurgical Lab) ,现在隶属于美国能源部和芝加哥大学。诺贝尔物理学奖得主费米于1942年在此领导小组建立了人类第一台可控核反应堆(芝加哥一号堆,Chicago Pile-1),完成了曼哈顿计划的重要一环,并且使人类从此迈入原子能时代。
Postdoctoral Appointee - Enhancing high energy diffraction microscopy using Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging
Argonne National Laboratory
Job Description
The X-ray Science Division (XSD) at Argonne National Laboratory invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position to develop novel X-ray diffraction techniques for 3-dimensional imaging. The successful candidate will enhance the spatial resolution of high-energy X-ray diffraction microscopy (HEDM) [1] at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) – by exploiting its high brilliance and coherence – and use this technique to study irradiated materials.
In the last two decades, the APS 1-ID beamline has been a world leader in developing high-energy X-ray imaging techniques, which non-destructively provide information about the microstructure and micromechanical state of polycrystalline materials at the mesoscale. In collaboration with other ANL researchers, it has also demonstrated the feasibility of high-energy Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging (HE-BCDI), which provides nanoscale information and will be greatly enhanced through the APS-Upgrade (APS-U) project.
With the new High Energy X-ray Microscope (HEXM) beamline at 20-ID coming online as a part of the APS-U in late April of 2024, we seek a postdoctoral researcher who will play a key role in further developing HE-BCDI and integrating it with HEDM. This integrated instrument at HEXM is envisioned to characterize polycrystalline materials and their hierarchical features spanning macroscopic to nanoscopic length scales. In particular, we are interested applying this novel instrument to understand the effect of irradiation on material strength and accumulation of damage.
This position will work with the Postdoctoral hire under Req 416675 and a multi-disciplinary team of Argonne scientists spanning several divisions including XSD, Materials Science Division, Nuclear Science and Engineering Division, and Applied Materials Division to build the simulation-guided experimental framework capable of executing zoom-in / zoom-out capabilities to investigate the effect of irradiation on structural materials guided by materials simulation.
[1] https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1662034
Position Requirements
Basic Qualifications:
·Ph.D. in material science and engineering or related field obtained within the last three years.
·Experience with X-ray science techniques (e.g., tomography, diffraction, etc.).
·Experience programming in one or more programming languages, such as C, C++, and Python.
·Exceptional communication skills, ability to communicate effectively with internal and external collaborators and ability to work in team environment.
·Ability to model Argonne’s Core Values: Impact, Safety, Respect, Integrity, and Teamwork.
·Understand, value, and promote diversity.
Preferred Qualifications:
·Experience and skills in interdisciplinary research involving computer and material scientists.
·Experience with X-ray science techniques (e.g., tomography, diffraction, etc.).
·Experience with high-performance computing and/or scientific workflow.
·Software development practices and techniques for computational and data-intensive science problems.