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信息来源:瑞典哥德堡大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2024-02-19 10:30


哥德堡大学(瑞典文:Göteborgs universitet;拉丁文:Universitas Gothoburgensis;英文:University of Gothenburg)简称GU,成立于1891年,坐落于瑞典王国第二大城市、北欧工业中心哥德堡,是一所综合性研究型大学,中欧商校联盟、Mirai、欧洲大学协会成员。

Postdoctoral Fellow In Development Of Fiducial Markers For Cryo-Em

Göteborg University

Subject area

Development of novel fiducial markers for structure determination of small membrane proteins

Subject area description

Membrane proteins such as transporters and G-protein-coupled receptors (or GPCRs) are very important targets for drug development, and structure determination of these is a prerequisite for being able to develop new, more effective substances. Despite the recent development of methods in cryo-EM, structures of small membrane proteins remain difficult to determine using cryo-EM structure since they often lack endogenous fiducial markers. Part of our research therefore aims to develop such fiducial markers to accelerate structure determination of these important proteins.


The research will focus on the design of novel fiducial markers for structure determination of small membrane proteins. Duties include protein design and modeling, cloning, expression in insect and mammalian cells, and purification followed by structure determination with cryo-EM and subsequent analysis. The candidate is encouraged and expected to work independently and contribute to project planning. The candidate is also expected to travel, both within and outside Europe for data collection at various research stations. The candidate is also expected to contribute to the laboratory's other work, as well as, if necessary, supervise students at both master's and doctoral level.


The eligibility criteria for employing teaching staff are set out in Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance and in the Appointment Procedure for Teaching Posts at the University of Gothenburg.

To be eligible for appointment as a postdoc, the applicant is required to have a doctoral degree, a doctoral degree in art or a foreign degree that is deemed to be equivalent to a doctoral degree. This eligibility requirement must be met before the employment decision is made.

In the first instance, those who have completed their degree no more than three years prior to the end of the application period shall be considered. Those who have completed their degree more than three years prior to the end of the application period may also be considered in the first instance if special grounds exist. Special grounds relate to leave of absence due to illness, parental leave, commissions of trust within union organisations, service within the defence services or other similar circumstances, as well as clinical service or service/assignment relevant to the subject area.

Assessment criteria

We are looking for a candidate with an interest in protein design and structural biology. The applicants must have a PhD in a relevant area of research such as medicine/biology/chemistry/pharmacology or related fields (for example structural biology, biochemistry or biophysics). The successful candidate should have extensive experience in structural biology (preferably cryo-EM), along with experience in cell cultivation (preferably eukaryotic cells), as well as in protein purification. Great emphasis will be placed on the candidate's personal suitability for the position and interest in the subject area as well as their long-term research goals. The work involves close collaborations with other researchers and thus demands flexibility and a willingness to travel for data collection purposes. Excellent communication skills (spoken and written) in English are a prerequisite for the position.

Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance.


The employment is full time and temporary, two years with the possibility of one year's extension, with placement at the Institute of Biomedicine. First day of employment as agreed.

Selection process

Help for applicants

Contact information

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Linda Johansson; email: linda.johansson.4@gu.se ; telephone: +46(0)766183244.


Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg can be found here: https: // www. gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande


Submit your application via the University of Gothenburg's recruitment portal by clicking the “Apply” button. It is your responsibility to ensure that the application is complete as per the vacancy notice, and that the University receives it by the final application deadline.

The application should contain:

- A cover letter giving a brief description of previous research experience, and a motivation to why you are applying

- A CV including a list of publications

- Proof of completed PhD

- Contact details of two references

Applications must be received by: 2024-02-20








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