信息来源:美国布朗大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2024-03-20 10:54
布朗大学 (英语: Brown University, 拉丁语: Universitas Brunensis) 创立于1764年,是美国第七所在建国前成立的大学。坐落于罗得岛州首府普罗维登斯市,布朗大学是一所私立研究型大学,亦是八所常春藤盟校之一。
布朗大学以其小而精的教学理念著称于世,高度重视本科教育和学生的学术写作能力,位列2021U.S. News美国大学本科教育第1名以及2023U.S. News跨学科写作第1名。在综合排名方面,布朗大学位列2023U.S. News全美最佳大学第9名。
Postdoctoral Research Associate (or Fellow)
Brown University
Job Description
The Brown University Center on the Biology of Aging (BoA) announces the availability of multiple postdoctoral positions. Our research portfolio encompasses the hallmarks of aging, including epigenetics, genomic instability, cellular senescence, mitochondria, nutrient sensing, dysbiosis, stem cells, neurodegeneration, and inflammation. A list of participating investigators and detailed descriptions of faculty research programs can be found on our website (https://aging.brown.edu/research/faculty).
The BoA and its associated training grant program in the Biology of Aging strive to provide a stimulating and rigorous environment for postdoctoral training in the molecular biology of aging, including 1) a full day annual symposium featuring aging researchers from around the world; 2) a monthly Biology of Aging Seminar Series; 3) the Providence Area Aging Research Forum (PAARF) for trainees that focuses on unpublished research in progress; 4) an annual Center Retreat to network and promote collaborations across Brown, and 5) a variety of mentoring, teaching, and career development opportunities.
The BoA has a strong track record of excellence in applying research on the basic biology of aging to the development of modern therapies. The successful applicant will work at this interface and will be engaged in molecular aging research aiming to connect mechanistic insights in model systems and organisms with human physiology and age-related diseases, using approaches that integrate experimental genetics, biochemistry, cell biology and physiology, complemented by omics and computational analysis or mathematical modeling.
These positions will provide competitive salaries and benefits, including health coverage. Positions funded by our NIH T32 training grant will require US citizenship/permanent residency, while positions funded by faculty research funds are open to international applicants. All positions will enjoy the full range of benefits of BoA affiliation.
-PhD and/or MD degree (requirements for a doctoral degree must be completed before start of the position.)
-Research experience in molecular biology or related fields such as genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, physiology or computational biology that can applied to the BoA research portfolio
-A published record of research accomplishment.
-Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Application Instructions:
All applicants should apply via Interfolio by May 1, 2024. Applications will be reviewed by a standing BoA search committee. Complete applications should include a cover letter, full CV, statement of research interests and career goals, and three letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation should be requested by the applicants but should be uploaded by the recommenders confidentially to the Interfolio portal. Candidates are encouraged to contact individual BoA faculty in advance to explore common research interests, in which case this should be mentioned in the cover letter.
The Brown University Center on the Biology of Aging is committed to centering efforts towards diversity, equity and inclusion in our teaching, mentoring and research. This is grounded in our knowledge that the best science requires an inclusive environment, and that long-standing biases exist in STEM that negatively impact members of our community and science as a whole. Thus, we strive to be a community in which a diverse set of thoughts, perspectives and experiences are valued.