信息来源:瑞典林奈大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2024-04-02 11:57
Postdoctoral position in Digitalisation of Forestry with focus on forest remote sensing
Linnaeus University
April 29, 2024
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A
Welcome to Linnaeus University! Here you'll meet 2 200 staff members and 40 000 students, all united in following the vision to set knowledge in motion for a sustainable societal development. With us, research and education are conducted with an eye towards the future. Our proximity to the business world, both locally and globally, gives us a wide reach and the ability to create change that makes an impact. All that's needed is a place where ideas have the space to meet and grow. That's what we've created – and you are invited.
Change starts here!
The Faculty of Technology has a broad activity within nine different departments, where Linnaeus University conducts education and research in technical subjects. The Department of Forestry and Wood Technology conducts thematic activities ranging from tree seedling to finished technical wood products. The focus of the department's activities is on the forest as a resource with its climate benefits throughout the life cycle. With this theme, the department addresses societal challenges.
Specific to the position, the department can offer a unique research environment focusing on research in forest remote sensing, forest damage, tree physiology, carbon and climate, and ecosystem services. In remote sensing, for example, through national collaboration, we have access to data from a world- unique radar tower with advanced microwave instruments, and on the optical side, we can offer the opportunity to collect data using drone-based hyperspectral cameras and high-quality laser sensors.
The postdoctoral position will be linked to The Bridge 2.0, a collaborative platform for interdisciplinary knowledge development focusing on forestry, innovation, and sustainable competitiveness, the knowledge environment Green Sustainable Development, and Linnaeus University's cutting-edge research environment DISA (Data Intensive Sciences and Applications).
Subject area for the position: Digitalisation in Forestry Location until further notice: Växjö. Since Linnaeus University is located in both Växjö and Kalmar, travel between the two may be required. Hours and term: Full-time for 2 years. Starting date: Start date as soon as possible, or by agreement.
Job description The world's forests are affected by ongoing climate change and new research is needed in remote sensing with the aim of increasing knowledge about the state and change of the forest. In order to meet this challenge, it is necessary to collect different types of remote sensing data (optical, laser, and radar data) from different platforms (towers, drones, aircrafts, and satellites) to be used in combination with field data (reference data, e.g. data from harvesters) for modelling both traditional and new forest variables. In a changing climate, biotic and abiotic forest damage is also expected to increase, which makes it desirable to intensify remote sensing research within this area as well.
The research project is centred on developing new tools for the next generation of digital and dynamic forest maps as a basis for forest planning and to the benefit of forest management. Particular focus is on developing new and improved estimates of forest variables (state and changes) as well as mapping and forecasting forest damage (risk assessment). A large part of the research data will be collected via drone flights over forested experimental test sites (Super test sites). The project is also expected to generate valuable results of great benefit to future digital and dynamic forest management plans.
The postdoctoral fellow will collaborate with national and international experts in the field. For example, the opportunity is offered to collaborate with researchers in the Horizon 2020 project ForestMap, which aims to produce the next generation of forest maps with AI, and the Horizon Europe project OptiForValue and FORSAID, which both aims to mapping and monitoring the forest health using digital tools. Furthermore, the postdoctoral fellow will have a close connection to the research program FRAS II (Future Forest Management in Southern Sweden), which is run jointly by Linnaeus University, Skogforsk, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in close cooperation with the forestry sector in southern Sweden. FRAS II started in the autumn of 2023 and includes three doctoral students and three postdoctoral fellows, all with supervisors/mentors from the respective organization. Since the studies will generate large amounts of data, the postdoctoral fellow will also seek collaboration with the cutting-edge research environment DISA at the university.
The position also includes responsibility for research communication, which means participating in national and international meetings. Publishing both popular science articles and scientific articles are central parts of the work.
The postdoctoral fellow is expected to participate actively in the department's knowledge environment and networks, both internally and externally, as well as to develop new project ideas and participate in applying for external project funding. A certain amount of teaching and supervision at basic, advanced and/or postgraduate level may be included in the duties.
Qualifications Anyone who has a doctorate in remote sensing, technology, electrical engineering, geomatics engineering, technical physics, physics, forest science, forest management, biology, or equivalent, or who has a degree from another country that is equivalent to a doctorate in the above subjects, qualifies for the position.
In accordance with the postdoctoral agreement, applicants who were awarded their degree no more than three years prior to the last application date for the present position should be considered first.
An applicant must not previously have been employed as a postdoctoral fellow for more than a year within the same or a related subject area at Linnaeus University.
In order to qualify for the present position, the applicant must also be able to demonstrate scientific skills in the subject area. The position also requires proven communication skills in written and spoken English, as well as good ability to work independently and in a group. Driving license is a requirement for the position.
Assessment criteria Theoretical knowledge and practical experience of signal processing, radiometric calibration, modelling, statistical analysis, time series analysis, programming, machine learning, forest remote sensing, forest inventory, and forest damage are meritorious. Having a drone license is advantageous. Good scientific publication rate and experience in applying for external project funding is desirable. The work takes place in a research group, which is why cooperation and flexibility are given great importance.
Documented experience of research in forest remote sensing and radiometric calibration.
In the overall assessment of the scientific skills, special emphasis is placed on the applicants' potential for a successful career as a teacher and researcher.
When the university employs new teachers and researchers, the choice should fall on those applicants who, based on a qualitative holistic assessment of competence and skills, are considered most likely to successfully perform and develop relevant tasks and contribute to successful development of the organisation.
Contact Head of department: Erika Olofsson, +46 470-70 89 99, erika.olofsson@lnu.se Head of research: Prof. Johan Fransson, + 46 470-76 70 42, johan.fransson@lnu.se HR-partner: Jesper Pettersson, jesper.pettersson@lnu.se
Would you like to know more about the Department of Forestry and Wood Technology? Learn more at Lnu.se. https: // lnu.se/en/meet-linnaeus- university/Organisation/faculty-of-technology/meet-the-faculty-of- technology/forestry-and-wood/
Welcome to apply according to instruction, last day to apply is 29 April 2024.
Linnaeus University has the ambition to utilize the qualities that an even gender distribution and diversity brings to the organization.
Please apply by clicking on the Apply button at the bottom of the ad. The credentials you invoke must be verified with certification and they must be attached digitally in your application. The application and other documents to be marked with the reference number. All documents cited must be received by the University no later than 24.00 (Local time in Sweden) on the closing day.