信息来源:美国内华达大学雷诺分校 | 作者:admin | 时间:2024-07-17 10:10
内华达大学里诺分校(University of Nevada, Reno),始建于1874年,简称“UNR”,坐落于美国内华达州里诺,隶属于内华达高等教育系统,是根据亚伯拉罕·林肯总统签署的《莫里尔法案》成立的内华达州赠地大学。该校是卡内基高等教育机构分类中的R1级研究机构和《美国新闻与世界报道》中的国家级大学。该校新闻学院培养了6位普利策奖得主。
Postdoctoral Position in Breast Tumor Microenvironment
University of Nevada, Reno
Job Description
Area of research: The Lab is developing novel therapies by reprogramming the tumor microenvironment. The emphasis is on identifying secreted factors by mammary fibroblasts that induce tumor suppression and recruit immune cells. This is an NCI-funded program with opportunities to innovate. The Lab is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, 3D imaging systems, and a high-end computing server and closely interacts with the Proteomics and Animal Core facilities at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Responsibilities are:
• Design and implement experiments for investigating the mechanism of tumor suppression in Patient-Derived organoids and PDXs,
• Perform validation studies in the mouse models,
• Investigate the mechanism by which cancer-associated fibroblasts can be reprogrammed,
• Work closely with the PI and his Graduate students in all experimental designs,
• Participate and present at NCI-sponsored meetings and work closely with the PI in manuscript preparation and
• Develop a K99 proposal (pathway to independence) supporting your career.
Required Skills are proficiency in
• Cell biology and 3D organoid cultures
• Immunostaining and microscopy
• Basic techniques in cell and molecular biology such as transfection, transduction, immunostaining, microscopy, and western blotting
• Preparing tumor histology sections collected from animal models
• “Rigorous” experimental design and validation.
Please send your CV to bparvin@unr.edu with the subject heading “Prospective Postdoctoral fellow.”