信息来源:加拿大多伦多都会大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2024-11-01 10:51
多伦多都会大学(Toronto Metropolitan University),曾用名瑞尔森大学(Ryerson University),加拿大安大略省公立研究型大学之一,与中国传媒大学、苏州大学、哈尔滨工业大学等有国际合作培养交流项目,是一所著名公立大学。校名以早年加拿大西部的教育部长艾格顿·瑞尔森(Egerton Ryerson)命名。校址位于加拿大国际都会多伦多市中心,是一所典型的都会大学。该校的前身瑞尔森理工学院(Ryerson Institute of Technology)于1948年创立,于2002年更名为瑞尔森大学,又于2022年4月26日正式宣布更名为多伦多都会大学。作为加拿大大学中最多本科毕业生的大学,其教学宗旨是“通过实践学习知识”。很多学生选择多伦多都会大学是因为他们不但可以充分进行实践,而且学校提供的课程为他们未来的就业提供了广泛前景。
Toronto Metropolitan University
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department: Global Management Studies, TRSM
Position supervisor: Dr. Hossein Zolfagharinia
Contract length: One year, with the possibility of renewal to the second year, depending on budget availability
Hours of work per week: 36.25
Position type: Postdoctoral Fellow
Rate of pay: Start at $40,000
About the program/department/team
Dr. Hossein Zolfagharinia, the supervisor for this post-doctoral fellow position, is an award-winning Associate Professor of Operations Management at the Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University. He holds an undergraduate and master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, as well as a Ph.D. in Operations and Supply Chain Management from Wilfrid Laurier University. In addition to his academic accomplishments, Dr. Zolfagharinia has extensive professional experience as a business methods analyst and has led logistics and supply chain projects in various industries. He has published over 25 top-tier refereed articles in A and A* rated journals, according to the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List. He frequently presents at international conferences and has received numerous accolades, including the Dean’s Scholarly, Research, and Creative Activity Award, along with several TRSM Research Recognition Awards. His research has been supported by over $800,000 in grants from agencies such as NSERC, which funds research in the natural sciences and engineering, and SSHRC, which supports research in the social sciences and humanities.
The opportunity
Anticipated Start Date is January 1, 2025. Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellow position in operations and supply chain management. The position is for one year and may be renewed for a second year, depending on budget availability. The appointee will participate in various research activities in Supply Chain Management, Data Analytics and Machine Learning (ML), and Data-Driven Optimization. In addition, the appointee will work with Dr. Hossein Zolfagharinia (Global Management Studies Department) at Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University.
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Operations and Supply Chain Management. The duration of the postdoctoral fellow position is one year, with a possibility for renewal to the second year, depending on budget availability. The appointee will participate in various research activities in Supply Chain Management, Data Analytics and Machine Learning (ML), and Data-Driven Optimization. In addition, the appointee will work with Dr. Hossein Zolfagharinia (Global Management Studies Department) at Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University.
How to apply
Applications must include a cover letter, current curriculum vitae, two samples of publications, and the electronic submission of the names and contact information of three references. Such materials must be sent to Dr. Zolfagharinia at h.zolfagharinia@torontomu.ca.