信息来源:中国硕博英才网 | 作者:shuobojob | 时间:2014-11-19 15:51
Applications are invited for a 2 year postdoc position starting January 1st, 2015, within the field of computational damage mechanics at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. The funding research project AnyPLATE is sponsored by Villum Foundation Young Investigator Programme 2014.
The AnyPLATE project focuses on ductile plate tearing in thin sheet metals, and attention is brought to a newly observed fracture phenomenon which remains to be fully understood. Ductile tearing has been studied for decades and the individual micro-mechanisms involved are well-known. Yet, the interplay between the different micro-mechanisms and their influence on the crack surface appearance (thus tearing modes) remains to be resolved. Experimental investigations have shown that (at least) three different modes exists for steady-state tearing, whereas other modes are typically disregarded as “transitional” and tied to random effects in the material microstructure. But, are these really random effects?
It is the aim to create a stimulating scientific environment within the AnyPLATE project, partly through internal discussions/workshops, and partly through discussion/collaboration with highly ranked international researchers.
Responsibilities and tasks
The aim of the postdoc project is twofold; i) Develop massively parallelized computer codes to accurately predict ductile tearing in thin sheet metals, and via numerical analysis to gain insight into a newly observed tearing phenomenon where crack propagation takes place in an alternating manner as the crack flips back and forth within the shear bands traveling with the crack tip. ii) Design and conduct experiments to analyze the interplay between the different tearing modes observed, and to cement the condition that governs different tearing modes.
The successful candidate should hold a PhD degree within the field of Mechanical Engineering, Computational Mechanics, Mathematical modeling, Material Science or equivalent. The applicant should have a strong background in all (or most) of the below fields:
- Numerical modeling using the Finite Element Method
- Programming and model development.
- Continuum mechanics, in particular damage mechanics and metal plasticity
- Experimental mechanics
Candidates without programming experience will not be considered.