美国杜克大学2025年招聘博士后(Cancer Genetics and Metabolism)
信息来源:美国杜克大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2025-02-25 08:39
杜克大学(Duke University)成立于1838年,是一所著名的私立综合研究型大学。校训“知识与信念”。在2024年U.S.News美国大学排名中位列第6。
杜克大学坐落于北卡州Durham,与教堂山Chapel Hill及首府Raleigh共同构成人文与地理上著名的“北卡三角区”Research Triangle Park,简称RTP,是全美第三大生物医学科技及相关产业集中地。其中Charlotte市是美国第二大的银行中心,拥有美国银行及美联银行的总部。杜克大学为三角区提供了最重要的幕后学术与智慧支持者。
Prof. Mikhail Nikiforov 所属 Departments of Pathology and Biomedical Engineering,实验室位于校园的中心-西校区,也是著名的杜克教堂(Duke Chapel)的所在地。杜克医学中心和医院部分位于大学校园内,是世界著名的保健中心。
PI Prof. Mikhail Nikiforov
Research Positions in Cancer Genetics and Metabolism at Duke University
The laboratory of Prof. Mikhail Nikiforov at Duke University’s Departments of Pathology and Biomedical Engineering is seeking highly motivated individuals for postdoctoral and research associate positions.
Our research focuses on the functional characterization of novel targets in metastatic melanoma and the mechanisms driving progression and drug resistance in multiple myeloma (https://pathology.duke.edu/research-core-facilities/primary-faculty-labs/nikiforov-lab). We employ cutting-edge methodologies, including intracellular imaging, organoid technology, and animal modeling, to advance our understanding of cancer biology.
Our lab has a strong track record of postdoctoral fellows advancing to faculty positions, with many securing Assistant Professorships. Relevant publications include: Bianchi-Smiraglia et al., Nature Methods; Bianchi-Smiraglia et al., Nature Communications; Wolff et al., Cell Chemical Biology; Han et al., Leukemia. (实验室已经培养出3位assistant professor)
The successful candidate should hold a PhD in a relevant field and have extensive hands-on experience in cell and molecular biology techniques, as well as experience working with animal models (mice). Salary will be commensurate with experience. To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to mikhail.nikiforov@duke.edu.