信息来源:中国硕博英才网 | 作者:shuobojob | 时间:2014-11-28 14:47
Postdoctoral Position In The Research Field Of Fuel Cell Materials Development : Munchen, Germany
Under the framework of a collaborative project on fuel cell components and stack development, the Chair of Technical Electrochemistry at the Technische Universität München is working together with Volkswagen, Umicore, and Solvicore on different aspects of fuel cell catalysis and membrane electrode assemblies.
Keywords: Fuel Cell, PEM, electrocatalyst, MEA
Under the framework of a collaborative project on fuel cell components and stack development, the Chair of Technical Electrochemistry at the Technische Universität München is working
together with Volkswagen, Umicore, and Solvicore on different aspects of fuel cell catalysis and membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) for proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs):
- characterization of the activity and stability of electrocatalysts
- improvement of MEA preparation methods to achieve low loading electrodes with minimal mass transport limitations
- fundamental understanding of MEA degradation mechanisms
With a strong background in electrochemistry and electrocatalysis and an experience in fuel cell testing, you will be in charge of a project with one of the above industrial partners and guide a PhD student. To support the overall project, you will work closely with the postdoctoral fellows supervising the projects with the other industrial partners. Your task will include a close interaction and regular visits with/at our industrial partners.
What we are looking for:
- good spoken and excellent written English skills
- a personality who enjoys working in a multi-disciplinary environment as part of our fuel cell team (4 Postdocs, 8 PhD students, and several M.S. & B.S. students)
- an interest to supervise Master and Bachelor thesis projects in related areas
- an ability to implement new research ideas and to develop new testing and characterization methods (e.g., implementation of an on line gas analyzer)
- technical contributions to improve our fuel cell laboratory facilities
- a strong publication record in the area is a plus
What we are offering:
A two year contract paid according to TVL E13 (gross annual salary of 49000