信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2014-04-14 21:22
At CEA / Grenoble, FRANCE
LANEF Chair of Excellence 2013 Project
Nanowire Innovative Solar Cells
A Post-Doctoral position up to 24 months is presently available at the Institute of Nanosciences and Cryogenics of CEA/Grenoble (http://inac.cea.fr/), in the context of a LANEF Chair of Excellence 2013 Project. Working within a world class semiconductor research facility, which includes III-V epitaxial growth, device fabrication clean rooms, and a multitude of spectroscopic and structural characterization techniques, the aim of the project is to develop “HIGH EFFICIENCY NANOWIRE-BASED SOLAR CELLS”. The monthly salary is about 2035 euros net.
The Post-Doctoral fellow will undertake the processing and characterisation of the photovoltaic devices, participate in the epitaxial growth of the nanowire samples, and assist in selected optical characterisation experiments addressing relevant physics. Therefore, his/her profile should include some of the following: clean room experience, optoelectronic devices, epitaxial growth, optical characterisation.
Highly motivated and qualified candidates with solid academic background, good track record and experimental experience are encouraged to submit.