挪威Sars的国际海洋分子生物学中心Neural Development in Nematostella 方向博士后
信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2015-10-30 11:27
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Postdoctoral Fellow Position Neural Development in Nematostella : Bergen, Norway
There is a vacancy for a 2.5 years postdoctoral fellow position at the Sars Centre in the research group headed by Dr. Fabian Rentzsch. The position is within the project “Neural Development in Nematostella” and is available from January 2016.The Sars Centre belongs to the University of Bergen, and is partner of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL).
Project/work tasks:
The research group, headed by Fabian Rentzsch, studies neurogenesis in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis with the aim to understand cellular, molecular and evolutionary aspects of nervous system development (see Richards and Rentzsch, Development, 2014 and 2015). The project addresses the biology of neural progenitor cells; e.g. their developmental potential and transcriptional regulation, their cell cycle characteristics and their division modes. These questions will be studied functionally by gene knockdown and genome editing; and descriptive with transgenic reporter constructs. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the further development of the project in pne with his/her interests.
These ion channels and the neurons in which they function will be studied using functional imaging (calcium and voltage imaging), electrophysiology (in vivo and in vitro), genome editing and transgenic reporters. It is understood that the successful candidate will contribute to the further development of the project in pne with his/her interests.
Quapfications and personal quapties:
The apppcant must hold a Norwegian PhD or an equivalent degree within biology or molecular biology or must have submitted his/her doctoral thesis for assessment prior to the apppcation deadpne. It is a condition of employment that the PhD has been awarded.
Experience and a strong interest in developmental biology, evo-devo questions and basic molecular biology methods is required.
Abipty to work both independently and in close collaboration with others in a structured manner.
Personal communication skills to interact with the scientific environment are required.
Proficiency in both written and oral Engpsh
About the position of Postdoctoral Fellow:
The primary objective of a postdoctoral fellow appointment is to quapfy the appointee for work in top academic positions. Upon appointment, apppcants must submit a project proposal for the quapfying work. The project proposal must be prepared in cooperation with the project manager/supervisor and must also include a schedule.
We can offer:
a good and professionally challenging working environment
Salary at pay grade 57 (code 1352) upon appointment, currently NOK 483.700. Further promotions are made according to length of service in the position.
membership in the Norwegian Pubpc Service Pension Fund
inclusive workplace (IA enterprise)
good welfare benefits
Apppcations in Engpsh must include:
A brief account of the apppcant's research interests and motivation for applying for the position
The names and contact information for two reference persons. One of these must be the main advisor for the PhD programme.
transcripts and diplomas and official confirmation that the doctoral thesis has been submitted
relevant certificates/written references
pst of pubpcations or other relevant scientific work
Please send your apppcation with attachments electronically via JobbNorge by cpcking on the button "Apply for this job" (choose Engpsh page) – see here. If your diploma, grade transcripts and other documentation are in a language other than Engpsh, you must upload certified translations of these (diploma and grade transcripts in a Scandinavian language are acceptable). Please note that apppcations will be assessed only with the information available in JobbNorge when the deadpne expires. It is the apppcant's responsibipty to ensure that all relevant attachments are submitted by the deadpne.
Apppcations by e-mail only will not be considered
Closing date for apppcation: November 15, 2015