信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2015-12-24 10:10
Based in the Dynamics & Control Group within the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Bristol this is an exciting opportunity to join a strong team participating in a new European Horizon 2020 aeronautics project entitled: “Validation of Integrated Safety-enhanced Intelligent flight cONtrol (VISION)”.
The VISION project will start in January 2016 for three years, and is participated by a consortium of academic and industrial partners, 6 from Europe and 5 from Japan –and including among others ONERA (Toulouse), Dassault Aviation (Toulouse), the University of Tokyo and JAXA (Chofu, Tokyo). The project objective is to develop and validate smart technologies for aircraft Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) such as: [1] vision-based systems, and [2] advanced detection and resilient methods. VISION aims at capitalizing on the know-how and experience acquired by Japan and Europe to make a significant improvement on the aircraft designs’ Technology Readiness Level (TRL). The focus of the work at Bristol is on the development, design and flight test of a system-wide aircraft Fault Monitoring and Tolerant Control (FMTC) approach based on standard sensing units (angles, rates, accelerations), and potentially also vision-based monitoring systems.
Your tasks will be to first develop the theoretical framework of a model-based H/LPV FMTC-GNC system, and then to apply and validate it in JAXA’s MuPAL- emulator and testing aircraft (see figure above). The type of abnormalities considered include sensor and aileron actuator faults but also saturation-like phenomena from internal or external conditions. The project will be carried out at the University of Bristol but will entail month-long yearly visits to JAXA in Tokyo during the application and validation phases.
This post is being offered on a full time, open-ended contract funded initially for 2 years with starting date of March 2016 (or as soon thereafter).
It is anticipated that interviews will take place during late January 2016 and until the position is filled.
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr. Andrés Marcos: andres.marcos@bristol.ac.uk. Please add to the email subject: VISION PostDoc position