信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2015-12-25 09:45
The Bresnick laboratory is recruiting one or two postdoctoral trainees to work on normal and malignant hematopoiesis, as well as epigenetics. The laboratory is located in the new research facility at the Wisconsin Institute of Medical Research (WIMR) in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. The WIMR provides a first-rate scholarly environment for conducting innovative fundamental and translational/clinical research.
We use multidisciplinary approaches to understand important biological and mechanistic processes, including stem/progenitor cell function, blood cell development, and related pathologies including cancer, myelodysplastic syndromes and anemias. Such approaches include genomics, proteomics, synthetic biology, chemical genetics, and computational analysis, as well as traditional molecular, cellular, and biochemical methodologies. Postdoctoral trainees have ample opportunities to develop high-impact research projects in these areas, to gain expertise in fellowship/grant writing, and to hone their critical thinking and presentation skills to prepare for careers in academia, the private sector, or in other venues.
Projects include:
1) Hematopoiesis and Human Disease Mechanisms. Deviations from normal hematopoietic programs yield leukemias, lymphomas, myelodysplastic syndrome, and other blood disorders. We are analyzing the function/regulation of GATA transcription factors and novel components in GATA factor-regulated genetic networks. Loss-of-function and gain-of-function studies are being conducted in various systems to elucidate new mechanisms and to devise translational strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases.
2) Epigenetic Mechanisms and Synthetic Biology. Many questions remain unanswered regarding how dynamic changes in chromatin are orchestrated during development, differentiation, and pathophysiological processes. We are addressing mechanistic questions and translational issues on how cis-elements function in chromatin, how chromatin modification/remodeling regulate transcription of endogenous loci, and how the underlying mechanisms can be modulated for therapeutic application.
The successful candidate will have no more than three prior years of postdoctoral experience, will have published at least two significant first author papers, and will have excellent communication/interaction skills.
Apply via email to: Emery H. Bresnick, Ph.D., ehbresni@wisc.edu
Johnson KD, Kong G, Gao X, Chang YI, Hewitt KJ, Sanalkumar R, Prathibha R,
Ranheim EA, Dewey CN, Zhang J, Bresnick EH. Cis-regulatory mechanisms governing
stem and progenitor cell transitions. Sci Advances 2015 Sep 4;1(8):e1500503.
Hewitt KJ, Kim DH, Devadas P, Prathibha R, Zuo C, Sanalkumar R, Johnson KD,
Kang YA, Kim JS, Dewey CN, Keles S, Bresnick EH. Hematopoietic Signaling
Mechanism Revealed from a Stem/Progenitor Cell Cistrome. Mol Cell. 2015 Jul
DeVilbiss AW, Sanalkumar R, Hall BD, Katsumura KR, de Andrade IF, Bresnick EH.
Epigenetic Determinants of Erythropoiesis: Role of the Histone Methyltransferase
SetD8 in Promoting Erythroid Cell Maturation and Survival. Mol Cell Biol. 2015
Jun;35(12):2073-87. doi: 10.1128/MCB.01422-14. Epub 2015 Apr 8.
McIver SC, Kang YA, DeVilbiss AW, O'Driscoll CA, Ouellette JN, Pope NJ,
Camprecios G, Chang CJ, Yang D, Bouhassira EE, Ghaffari S, Bresnick EH. The
exosome complex establishes a barricade to erythroid maturation. Blood. 2014 Oct
Katsumura KR, Yang C, Boyer ME, Li L, Bresnick EH. Molecular basis of
crosstalk between oncogenic Ras and the master regulator of hematopoiesis GATA-2.
EMBO Rep. 2014 Sep;15(9):938-47.
Yamazaki H, Suzuki M, Otsuki A, Shimizu R, Bresnick EH, Engel JD, Yamamoto M.
A remote GATA2 hematopoietic enhancer drives leukemogenesis in inv(3)(q21;q26) by
activating EVI1 expression. Cancer Cell. 2014 Apr 14;25(4):415-27.
Sanalkumar R, Johnson KD, Gao X, Boyer ME, Chang YI, Hewitt KJ, Zhang J,
Bresnick EH. Mechanism governing a stem cell-generating cis-regulatory element.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Mar 25;111(12):E1091-100.
Gao X, Johnson KD, Chang YI, Boyer ME, Dewey CN, Zhang J, Bresnick EH. Gata2
cis-element is required for hematopoietic stem cell generation in the mammalian
embryo. J Exp Med. 2013 Dec 16;210(13):2833-42.
Johnson KD, Hsu AP, Ryu MJ, Wang J, Gao X, Boyer ME, Liu Y, Lee Y, Calvo KR,
Keles S, Zhang J, Holland SM, Bresnick EH. Cis-element mutated in GATA2-dependent
immunodeficiency governs hematopoiesis and vascular integrity. J Clin Invest.
2012 Oct;122(10):3692-704.
Fujiwara T, O'Geen H, Keles S, Blahnik K, Linnemann AK, Kang YA, Choi K,
Farnham PJ, Bresnick EH. Discovering hematopoietic mechanisms through genome-wide analysis of GATA factor chromatin occupancy. Mol Cell. 2009 Nov 25;36(4):667-81.
Lee HY, Johnson KD, Fujiwara T, Boyer ME, Kim SI, Bresnick EH. Controlling
hematopoiesis through sumoylation-dependent regulation of a GATA factor. Mol
Cell. 2009 Dec 25;36(6):984-95.