信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2016-01-06 11:10
One postdoctoral position is immediately available at Dr. Xiang "Shawn" Zhang Laboratory in Lester and Sue Smith Breast Center, Baylor College of Medicine. The research program of Zhang Laboratory focuses on breast cancer metastasis and tumor immunology. We are interested in the roles of various stromal and immune cells in breast cancer progression and metastasis. We aim to delineate the cross-talks between stromal/immune cells and tumor cells in various microenvironments, and to understand how such cross-talks contribute to the diverse metastatic behaviors of breast cancer. The candidate of this position is expected to independently carry out research projects in or related to the above mentioned field.
A Ph.D degree in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, genetics or related areas.
Successful candidates are expected to be highly motivated and passionate for pursuing academic careers. Experience in mouse genetics, histology, immunology, molecular and cellular biology will be required.
Candidates within 1-2 years after PhD graduation will be preferred.
More information about Dr. Zhang's previous research can be obtained through the following link: