信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2017-01-06 14:32
Job Description
A postdoctoral position is available in the collaborative research groups of Drs. Jennifer Luebke, Sudhir Sivakumaran and Tsuneya Ikezu (Boston University School of Medicine, Boston MA). The NIH-funded research project involves characterization of the role of exosome secretion in the transynaptic propagation of tau in vitro and in vivo. Experimental approaches will make extensive use of in vitro slice electrophysiology (whole-cell patch-clamp recordings) and cellular imaging techniques (primarily confocal fluorescence microscopy). For an overview of our research interests and experimental methods, see http://www.bumc.bu.edu/anatneuro/research/cellular-neurobiology/ and our most recent publication: Asai et al., Nature Neuroscience (2015);18(11):1584-93. doi: 10.1038/nn.4132. PMID: 26436904. Applicants should have a strong background in neuroscience and have a keen interest in electrophysiological, imaging & biophysical approaches in neuroscience research. Experience with confocal imaging and immunohistochemical methods will be beneficial. Ours is a very collaborative research group and applicants are expected to have the ability to work in this highly collaborative environment. Applicants will have a great opportunity to learn and add to their experimental skills including techniques such as electron microscopy, 3D reconstruction and structural analysis of neurons using NeuroLucida and NeuronStudio and immunohistochemistry. |