信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2017-01-09 14:47
Call for postdoc applicants interested in a MSCA individual fellowship in Oncology
UiT The Arctic University of Norway has established «The Arctic MSCA-IF program» to select excellent young researchers planning to submit applications for a Marie Skƚodowska Curie individual fellowship (MSCA-IF) in order to pursue a research career (https://uit.no/afu/arcticmsca). We invite applications from promising young researchers within the field of Cancer/Radiation oncology/Translational & Clinical radiobiology. The selected candidate will write a proposal for a 24-month MSCA-IF at UiT together with Prof. Inigo Z. Martinez. This is an opportunity to accelerate your research career while living in the urban research city of Tromsø, uniquely located at the top of the world surrounded by some of Europe's last pristine wild nature.
This call is one of 37 from pre-selected supervisors at UiT The Arctic University of Norway through the “ArcticMSCA-IF program” (https://uit.no/afu/arcticmsca/supervisors). Successful postdoc candidates will be invited to Tromsø (travel and accommodation expenses covered) for a two-day MSCA-IF symposium on May 3-4 2017. At this event, the candidates will present their past research achievements, discuss future plans with their potential supervisor and learn how to write a successful MSCA-IF application. Together with the supervisor, the selected candidates will start developing their MSCA-IF application towards the MSCA-IF deadline of September 14th 2017.