信息来源:英国肝脏研究基金会 | 作者:admin | 时间:2017-07-10 10:43
Post-doctoral Scientist
The Foundation for Liver Research is seeking a highly ambitious, flexible and committed post-doctoral scientist to investigate the roles of Matricellular Proteins (splice variants and altered translational proteins) in liver fibrosis. He/she will require an array of molecular and cellular biology techniques (including RTPCRand Real-time RTPCR, ELISA, immunoprecipitations (including ChiP), protein expression and purification, western blotting, cloning/transfections, lentivirus infections). He/she will be expected to isolate primary liver cells (hepatic stellate cells) from mice for downstream experiments. He/she should have basic working knowledge of Immunohistochemistry and FACS analysis. In addition, he/she will be expected to submit publications to peer reviewed journals and to attract external research funding.