信息来源:德国图宾根大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2017-08-24 11:59
Post-Doc / Junior Project Leader (F / M) : Tubingen, Germany
The University of Tübingen, Hearing Research Center at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery (Director Prof. Hubert Löwenheim), offers a position for a
Post-Doc / Junior Project Leader (f/m)
The position is embedded in a collaborative research project consisting of three research groups (Tübingen, Geneva, Innsbruck) working in the area of cochlear implant research.
The candidate must hold a Ph.D degree or equivalent in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, medicine, pharmacy or similar scientific discipline, and a record of research. The post is available starting earliest autum 2017 and is offered for 3 years.
Our research project is focused on restoring hearing by cochlear implants and/or regenerative medicine. The particular project aims at improving cochlear implants in animal models. The work is performed at the modern Tübingen Hearing Research Center.
We are seeking highly motivated candidate with a strong background in hands on neurophysiological and neuroanatomical techniques, ideally in the auditory system. Knowledge of techniques in cell and organ culture is also preferred. The candidate is expected to cooperate within the research groups and must have good communication skills, ability to work in a team, proficiency in English language is required. The interdisciplinary team will include various backgrounds including biology, bioinformatics, chemistry and medicine.
We offer remuneration in accordance with TV-L (collective wage agreement for the Public Service of the German Federal States) in addition to all the customary benefits granted to employees working in Public Services. Severely handicapped persons with equal qualifications are given preferential consideration. The University of Tübingen is anxious to increase its quota of female scientific staff, and therefore emphatically requests women to apply for this position. The Administration of the University Hospital is responsible for all employment matters. Personnel appointments will be made pursuant to the fundamental stipulations of the legal statutes for universities in Germany. Interview expenses are not covered.