信息来源:美国匹兹堡大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2017-09-28 13:47
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW POSITIONS Neurodegeneration / Alzheimer’s disease: University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health is one of the nation’s leading schools of public health, ranking third among schools of public health in terms of NIH funding with contributions that have influenced public health practice and medical care across the world. Central to its mission is to foster a multidisciplinary research approach to understand and solve health problems.
Two postdoctoral fellow positions are available in the Iliya Lefterov and Radosveta Koldamova laboratory in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA. The successful candidates will become part of a large, multidisciplinary neuroscience and environmental health community, and will have ample opportunities for collaborations. Positions are supported by NIH grants with goals of understanding how transcription factors and other regulators of lipid homeostasis impact the outcomes of neurodegeneration, especially Alzheimer’s disease, as well as the identification of novel therapeutic targets. These projects require integration of multiple techniques for rodent behavioral analysis, brain surgery, histological, molecular, and genetic analysis of pathological markers.
Both candidates should have M.D. / Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Cell Biology/Physiology, or Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, with a track record of productivity.
1) For the first position solid background and hands-on experience with transgenic mouse colony maintenance, small animal rodent surgery, experience with immunohistochemistry using confocal microscope as well as behavioral testing to study the nervous system are required.
2) For the second position knowledge and experience in molecular biology and biochemistry with an emphasis on lipid metabolism and its regulation are requirements. Previous work with methods relevant to different omix approaches such as lipidomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, as well as analysis of NGS data is desirable. Experience with bioinformatics tools, R-statistics, Unix/Mac OS platforms is a plus.