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信息来源:硕博英才网整理 | 作者:admin | 时间:2017-10-13 17:13


Postdoc with the Training Program in Emotion Research

The Training Program in Emotion Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will have two, 3-year postdoctoral position starting in Fall, 2018. The following faculty all desire candidates with expertise in structural and/or functional neuroimaging, and an interest in affective neuroscience utilizing human and/or nonhuman primate models:

Dr. Joshua Cisler: Dr. Cisler’s research focuses on defining the neurocircuitry mechanisms associated with trauma and PTSD, with a particular emphasis on computational modeling of learning and large-scale network analyses. Current projects include 1) a clinical trial and imaging study testing pharmacological modulation of fear extinction learning in PTSD, 2) cross-sectional imaging study investigating social decision-making and risk for re-victimization among adolescent girls exposed to interpersonal violence, and 3) a real-time fMRI neurofeedback study of implicit emotion regulation in PTSD. Link to lab website for more information: http://cislerlab.psychiatry.wisc.edu/

Dr. Richard Davidson: Dr. Davidson's Center for Healthy Minds, is recruiting a post-doctoral fellow to work with Dr. Melissa Rosenkranz. Melissa's research investigates the neural processes that underlie the relationship betwen emotion and inflammation in both healthy individuals and those with chronic inflammatory conditions such as asthma. She also studies the mechanisms through which behavioral interventions, like mindfulness-based stress reduction can buffer the effects of stress and emotion on immune system function. Melissa's research employs both fMRI and PET imaging modalities, as well as a diverse set of peripheral physiological, immune and endocrine measures.

Dr. Hill Goldsmith (with potential for co-mentorship with Dr. Davidson): Dr. Hill Goldsmith (with potential for co-mentorship with Dr. Davidson): Drs. Richard Davidson and Hill Goldsmith are recruiting post-docs to contribute to large-scale pediatric neuroimaging studies that include extensive longitudinal behavioral phenotyping with both twins and singletons focused on the neural bases of affective style. Goldsmith is also recruiting for postdocs whose interests lie in developmental approaches to affective development, including themes with RDoC relevance.

Dr. Ryan Herringa: Dr. Ryan Herringa: The BRAVE Youth Lab, directed by Dr. Herringa, is studying neurodevelopmental trajectories of emotion regulation in youth with trauma exposure and affective disorders. Our lab uses a wide array of methodologies including neuroimaging, psychophysiology, and genetics, which will be leveraged in clinical trials employing psychotherapeutic and neuromodulatory approaches.

Dr. James Li: The Social and Behavioral Development Lab investigates genetic, neurobiological, and environmental factors that contribute to the development of child externalizing disorders (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder). Research in our lab utilizes advanced molecular genetic approaches (e.g., genome-wide association scans, gene-pathway analysis) to advance understanding about the genetic architecture underlying complex developmental phenomena.

Dr. Seth Pollak: http://www.waisman.wisc.edu/childemotion/ The Child Emotion Research Laboratory will consider those interested in the effects of early life stress and/or family poverty on children’s health, emotional development, and well-being. Our laboratory provides a rich variety of resources, access of many at-risk populations of children, and integration of diverse methods. There are ample opportunities for post-docs to initiate independent lines of research. Please contact Dr. Pollak directly prior to submitting an application.


Please send the following items by Wednesday, January 31st, 2018 to The Training Program in Emotion Research Administrator atEmotionT32Grant@bi.wisc.edu. For more information, please visit www.emotion.wisc.edu.

Cover Letter: Identify the program faculty member(s) with whom you wish to train


Research Statement

Three letters of reference (These can be submitted separately by the letter writers themselves)

Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply. We are an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer






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