德国柏林Freie Universitaet Berlin博士后职位招聘
信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2017-10-20 16:27
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research assistant (postdoc)
full-time job, limited to 3 years, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L FU 100 %
reference code: AG-Fum_2017
The work group Fumagalli investigates thin films, thin-film systems, and nanostructures using surface-analysis methods (RHEED, SPA-LEED, AES, STM/AFM), magneto-optic spectroscopy (energy, magnetic-field, and temperature dependent) as well as scanning near-field optical microscopy. One focus is on the investigation of magnetically coupled systems consisting of a combination of ferromagnetic metals and ferromagnetic semiconductors for spintronic applications.
Job Description: Research in the field of growth and properties of epitaxial thin films and nanostructures. In-situ characterization with surface-analysis methods (RHEED, SPA-LEED, AES, STM/AFM) and with temperature and magnetic-field-dependent magneto-optic spectroscopy. Self-dependent designing and realization of proposals in the above field of research or in any new ongoing area of research to raise third-party funds with the objective of scientific qualification (Habilitation). Participation in the teaching duties at the physics department.
Requirements: Completed Ph.D. in physics.
Work Experience: Six month as a postdoc performing self-dependent research.
Desirable: Experience in the field of ultra-high vacuum technique. Experience with molecular-beam epitaxy, growth and analysis of epitaxial thin films and/or nanostructures. Experience with magnetism. Readiness to write proposals in order to raise third-party funds. Ability to work in a team, endurance, and enthusiasm for new ideas.