信息来源:硕博英才网整理发布 | 作者:admin | 时间:2017-10-23 16:05
research assistant (postdoc) : Berlin, Germany
Fachbereich Physik – Institut für Experimentalphysik
research assistant (postdoc)
full-time job, limited to 3 years, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L FU 100 %
reference code: AG-Fum_2017
The work group Fumagalli investigates thin films, thin-film systems, and nanostructures using surface-analysis methods (RHEED, SPA-LEED, AES, STM/AFM), magneto-optic spectroscopy (energy, magnetic-field, and temperature dependent) as well as scanning near-field optical microscopy. One focus is on the investigation of magnetically coupled systems consisting of a combination of ferromagnetic metals and ferromagnetic semiconductors for spintronic applications.
Job Description: Research in the field of growth and properties of epitaxial thin films and nanostructures. In-situ characterization with surface-analysis methods (RHEED, SPA-LEED, AES,STM/AFM) and with temperature and magnetic-field-dependent magneto-optic spectroscopy. Self-dependent designing and realization of proposals in the above field of research or in any new ongoing area of research to raise third-party funds with the objective of scientific qualification (Habilitation). Participation in the teaching duties at the physics department.
Requirements: Completed Ph.D. in physics.
Work Experience: Six month as a postdoc performing self-dependent research.
Desirable: Experience in the field of ultra-high vacuum technique. Experience with molecular-beam epitaxy, growth and analysis of epitaxial thin films and/or nanostructures. Experience with magnetism. Readiness to write proposals in order to raise third-party funds. Ability to work in a team, endurance, and enthusiasm for new ideas.
All applications quoting the reference code should be addressed no later than October 30th, 2017 toFreie Universitaet Berlin, Institut fuer Experimentalphysik, Prof. Dr. Paul Fumagalli, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin (Dahlem) or as an e-mail to: paul.fumagalli@fu-berlin.de