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信息来源:硕博英才网整理发布 | 作者:admin | 时间:2017-10-23 16:19


Postdoctoral Researcher in Microbiome Bioinformatics : Stockholm, Sweden

The Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB) is among the largest departments of epidemiology in Europe with special focus on increasing our knowledge of the aetiology of different diseases. Our department consists of researchers, doctoral students, biostatisticians, data collectors and database administrators as well as administrative personnel, in total some 250 staff. The department is situated at campus Solna. Further information can be found at ki.se/meb


One of the major focuses of the research group is on epidemiology and etiology of upper gastrointestinal cancers. The group has several finished and ongoing epidemiological studies in which questionnaire data and biosamples were/are collected. The group has also a molecular epidemiology laboratory with a focus on microbiome and health, as well as tumor mutation profiling.


The postdoctoral researcher will be mainly involved in a project supported by European Research Council Consolidator Grant, with a focus on stomach cancer etiology and prevention. The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for bioinformatic and biostatistical data analyses, report of results, and drafting of manuscript. It is also expected from the candidate to interact closely with other members in the group, as well as to help on supervision of students.

Entry requirements

The successful candidate is expected to have a PhD degree on biomedicine, with experiences in data analysis in microbe whole genome and metagenome.

A person is eligible for a position as Postdoctoral Researcher if he or she has obtained a PhD no more than seven years before the last date of employment as postdoc. The term can be extended under special circumstances.

Application process

An employment application must contain the following documents in English or Swedish:

A complete curriculum vitae, including date of the thesis defence, title of the thesis, previous academic positions, academic title, current position, academic distinctions, and committee work

A complete list of publications

A summary of current work (no more than one page)

Verifications for crediting of illness, military service, work for labour unions or student organisations, parental leave or similar circumstances

The application is to be submitted through the MyNetwork recruitment system.

Karolinska Institutet is one of the world’s leading medical universities. Its vision is to significantly contribute to the improvement of human health. Karolinska Institutet accounts for the single largest share of all academic medical research conducted in Sweden and offers the country’s broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences. The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet selects the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.

Pursuant to the regulations of the Swedish National Archives, applications are kept on file for two years after the appointment has gained legal force. The regulations do not apply to attachments that have been printed or otherwise published.

Karolinska Institutet strives to provide a workplace that has approximately the same number of women and men, is free of discrimination and offers equal opportunity to everyone.

For temp agencies and recruiters, and to salespersons: We politely, yet firmly, decline direct contact with temp agencies and recruiters, as well as those selling additional job announcements.






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