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信息来源:硕博英才网整理 | 作者:admin | 时间:2014-07-16 15:48


Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Jimma University is one of the largest academic departments of this field around the world covering different areas through an interdisciplinary medium. There are 2 BSc, 4 MSc, and 6 PhD programs. One of the areas of interest is mining engineering, due to the extreme potentials of Ethiopia with various undiscovered mines. There is a postdoc vacancy for doing research in the realms of mining engineering. PhD in mining or a closely related field is required. The candidate will be part of the team working on different topics. A significant part of this position is teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels. We have a unique strategy in leading the team. Thus, please carefully read the job description before applying.


❃ This is part of a chair system in which assistant/associate professors work under supervision of a chair, and you will be officially appointed as an assistant professor. This is indeed equivalent to the popular postdoc model in the United States and other countries.

❃ You will work in a team of 15 - 20 postdoc fellows coming from different countries.

❃ Due to the team structure, flexibility to be supervised is one of the main criteria.

❃ Contrary to many postdoc fellowships, the present position is not focused on a specific research project. Instead, the postdoc fellows are involved in different tasks from research to academic affairs. The main theme is to empower the team members with various academic skills.

❃ Your workflow including research will be directly assigned by the supervisor. As quoted above, our preliminary goal is to prepare better scholars for leading research projects in the future. If you do not trust the group planning, DO NOT apply.

❃ The postdoc fellows should necessarily start to work on a new research topic (different from their past experiences), and normally involved in literature review during the first six months. The goal is to publish review article or book. ❃ We are looking for people who are ambitious and want to take this step as a jump in his/her academic career to build a world-class research group. There is no room for people who are interested in routine jobs for today.

❃ Due to our training mission, a significant part of this position is teaching duties.

❃ Each member should be committed to the team promotion internationally. Skills for networking are critically important.

❃ The salary is about $24,000 - $30,000, which is quite high considering the cost of living (i.e. four times higher than local full professors). Housing and flights will be covered. On the other hand, we are looking for those who are interested in the potentials of this position rather than a routine job with high salary.

❃ Jimma city is probably different from your imagination about Africa. The nature is greener than Europe, and the weather is always at excellent condition (18 - 25 C).






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