信息来源:硕博英才网整理 | 作者:admin | 时间:2014-07-16 16:01
Post-doctoral Position - Synthesis Of Luminescent Nanoparticles In Solution, Structure Of The Intermediate States : Saclay, France
This project is a collaboration between experts in nanoscience located near Paris (France) at CEA de Saclay, Ecole Polytechnique, and the SOLEIL synchrotron, supported by three French funding agencies. Our consortium tackles generic questions on the nucleation of crystallline oxide nanoparticles synthesised in water [Fleury et al., ACSNano 2014]. We address in particular this problem for the synthesis of luminescent nanoparticles used as biological probes and precursors for thin luminescent films, where the mineral nanostructure crucially determines the properties in the final application [Casanova et al. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2009].
Job scope
In this context, we are looking for a post-doctoral scientist to address challenging experimental characterisations with special focus on the structure and dynamics of nanoparticles in water at short reaction times (below 1 s).
Details and profile
This postdoctoral position is funded by the LABEX NanoSaclay for 18 months starting in September-December 2014 and will be held in partnership with the laboratory NIMBE/LIONSin CEA Saclay, the laboratory PMC of the Ecole Polytechnique and the ODE line SOLEILsynchrotron. Experience in at least one of the three experimental techniques are required: SAXS/WAXS, EXAFS, chemistry of nanoparticles.
Contact : david.carriere@cea.fr
See also : Fleury, B. et al. Amorphous to Crystal Conversion as a Mechanism Governing the Structure of Luminescent YVO4 :Eu Nanoparticles. ACS Nano 8, 2602–2608 (2014).DOI: 10.1021/nn4062534…