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信息来源:硕博英才网整理 | 作者:admin | 时间:2014-07-23 16:59


Postdoc position in Cancer Metabolix Flux : Toulouse, France

Postdoctoral position in Cancer Metabolism

Cancer Research Center of Toulouse, France


The Team RESIST@ML-Drug Resistance, Stem Cells & Oncometabolism in Leukemia, co-headed by Dr. Jean-Emmanuel Sarry and Prof. Christian Récher at the Cancer Research Center of Toulouse, is looking for highly motivated, creative and independent postdoctoral scientist to join their team of 15 researchers and clinicians.

The focus of the lab is to characterize the regulation of cell metabolism and to determine the role of metabolism and mitochondrial energetics during the drug resistance in leukemia. Despite a high rate of complete remission after treatment with genotoxic agents, the prognosis is very poor in human acute myeloid leukemia (AML), due to frequent relapses caused by tumor regrowth initiated by resistant leukemic clones. The goal of our Team is to understand the causes of drug resistance to development of new treatments eradicating Resistant Leukemic Clones (RLCs) and overcoming patient relapses. The molecular mechanisms underlying AML chemoresistance are poorly understood, especially in the in vivo context. It is increasingly recognized that the causes of chemoresistance might reside in rare cell population. Our hypothesis is that RLCs have specific mitochondrial energetic and metabolic features mediated by metabolic interactions with stromal cells, which modulates their therapeutic resistance in the tumoral niche. For that, using diverse metabolomic, transcriptomic, pharmacological and functional approaches as well as patient samples and a newly developed AML-engrafted immunodeficient models, we propose to 1/ determine how reprogrammed mitochondrial energy and metabolic networks drive the drug resistance of RLCs in vivo and to 2/ assess whether pharmacological and/or genetic manipulation of metabolism can, not only counteract tumor progression, but also provide clues to overcome chemoresistance. Recent studies from the lab revealed that targeting energetic metabolism could be a promising therapeutic strategy. In this perspective, we are aiming to investigate several metabolic pathways in different models of leukemia and therapeutic resistance.

Successful candidates (M/F) will be involved in this research project, under the direct supervision of Dr. Jean-Emmanuel Sarry. He/she will have a full access to state-of-the-art research tools including: Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA) and metabolomics (incl. NMR, GC- and LC-mass spectrometry) in the context of a tiny collaboration with the lab of Prof. Jean-Charles Portais (METATOUL, Toulouse, France). Working in the team of Dr. Sarry and Prof. Récher will offer the candidate the opportunity to also acquire experience in hematology, cellular biology and in vivo animal models.

We offer a dynamic working environment, a competitive remuneration package, a stimulating scientific surrounding in a young, enthusiastic, motivated team, the opportunity to work on high-impact projects, and long-term career opportunities at theINSERM (French national institute of health). To meet the increasing demands of performing multidisciplinary research, the CRCT offers several core facilities including: Imaging, Flow Cytometry, Molecular Biology, Antibodies, Sequencing, Histology, Transgenesis and Mouse facility, etc. For all metabolic investigations, the recruited researcher will have access to state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (LTQ-OrbiTrap, QTOF-mMaXis, Q-TRAP 4000) and NMR (800 & 500 MHz) equipment at MetaToul (Toulouse, France).


• Candidates should have a PhD in cancer/metabolism, and should be skilled in biochemical methods, fluxomics, mass spectrometry, or NMR.

• Interest and experience in the use of in vivo cancer models and mass spectrometry orNMR for metabolite determination and identification would be an advantage.

• Applicants should have a strong publication record (including at least one paper as a first author) in peer-reviewed international journals, with an emphasis on quality rather than quantity of publications.

• Communication skills in spoken and written English will be a plus. French speaking isNOT a requirement. 

• He/she is capable of working in a team as well as independently, can organize a multidisciplinary project and has a problem-solving attitude.

How to apply?

Applications for this position should be submitted to jean-emmanuel.sarry@inserm.fr

Please send a motivation letter and a complete CV, containing a list of publications, a summary of past research and contact information of 2 or 3 referees. Top-ranked candidates will be invited for an interview in Toulouse, France.

Cancer Research Center of Toulouse


31300 Toulouse






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