信息来源:中国硕博英才网 | 作者:admin | 时间:2014-08-11 16:56
Research Area and Project Description:
This 2-yr postdoc project is part of a new ERC Starting Grant project “Macroecological studies of long-term historical constraints on functional diversity and ecosystem functioning across continents” (HISTFUNC). The objective of HISTFUNC is to apply macroecological analyses to provide ground-breaking assessments of large-scale drivers of functional diversity and ecosystem functioning, including effects of diversity on functioning. In particular, it will assess the novel hypothesis that ecosystem functioning is subject to long-term (10^2-10^7 year) constraints mediated by biodiversity effects and driven by past climate change and other historical factors. The objective of this postdoc project is to make use of the increasing wealth of remote sensing data (both derived products and raw data) to develop a macroecology of ecosystem functioning and its link to diversity, notably functional diversity. The project will have a specific focus on assessing the importance of long-term historical constraints for global and regional patterns in ecosystem functioning.
Qualifications and Specific Competences:
Applicants to the postdoc position must have PhD degree in ecology or evolutionary biology (or equivalent) or have submitted their PhD thesis for assessment before the application deadline.
All postdoc candidates are expected to provide cutting-edge expertise in advanced statistical analyses of large data sets (including strong skills in R), remote sensing data, and to have a solid ecological background and strong collaborative skills, and to have proven abilities to publish at a high international level.
The successful candidate is expected to have strong skills in English and applicants must document this.
Supervisors and collaborators: The main supervisor is prof. Jens-Christian Svenning. The project also involves prof. Brian J. Enquist (University of Arizona) and prof. Robert E. Ricklefs (University of Missouri).
Place of Employment and Place of Work:
The place of employment is Aarhus University, and the place of work is the Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity Group, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 114, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
The Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity Group is a diverse and vibrant research community with strong international ties. Postdocs and PhD students are encouraged to collaborate within the group, across departments and with other universities. More information about the people and research activities of the group can be found athttp://bios.au.dk/en/research/aarhus/ecoinformatics-and-biodiversity/…