信息来源:马里兰大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2018-05-18 10:46
Bioengineering and Drug Delivery Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions in the Translational Therapeutics Research Group : Baltimore, MD, United States
The Translational Therapeutics Research Group (TTRG) is a multi-disciplinary research team located at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. TTRG brings together bioengineers, cancer biologists, and clinicians who are members of the NCI-designated Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center and are committed to the development of novel therapeutic and diagnostic technologies for cancer patients (http://www.ttrg-umm.org).
Job Description
The TTRG seeks highly motivated candidates for Postdoctoral Fellow positions. These individuals will work on the following NIH- and ACS-funded project:
Development of novel therapeutic agents and drug delivery strategies (e.g. MR-guided focused ultrasound) for brain, breast, and other cancers based on our ‘DART’ (decreased non-specific adhesivity, receptor-targeted) nanoparticle platform.
The candidates must be strong team players with a proven track record demonstrating excellent experimental, writing and communication skills. Prior experience in nanoparticle formulation, advanced microscopy, cancer biology, and animal models of cancer is also desired. The one-year position is available beginning on July 1, 2018, with a competitive salary, and the appointment may continue for additional time if performance is exemplary.
Applicants are encouraged to send a Curriculum Vitae, a list of references, and a short cover letter with a brief description of research experience, interests, and career goals to Dr. Anthony Kim (Co-director of TTRG) at akim@som.umaryland.edu….