信息来源:瑞士洛桑大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2018-05-18 10:51
所属节点 : 国外博士后招聘
关键字 :生理学,生物学和细胞生物学技术
简介 :
Employer: University of Lausanne - Faculty of Biology and Medicine, Center for Integrative Genomics
Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Postdoctoral Position: Brain and the control of glucose homeostasis : Lausanne, Switzerland
Postdoctoral Position:
Brain and the control of glucose homeostasis
University of Lausanne, Center for Integrative Genomics (http://www.unil.ch/cig)
Glucose responsive neurons play an important role in the control of glucose homeostasis and feeding behavior. Their action is relayed by the autonomous nervous system and the dopaminergic reward system. We are identifying and characterizing hypoglycemia-activated neurons, which control the hormonal response that restores normoglycemia or which increase motivated feeding behavior through modulation of the reward system.
We have identified novel genes involved in central hypoglycemia sensing (Cell Rep. 2016, PMID: 27829151, and unpublished). We are now characterizing the role of these genes in the control of glucose homeostasis using newly generated mouse models. These investigations involve physiological studies and are complemented by various molecular and cellular studies. (See: Cell Met. 2014, PMID: 24606905; Nat Neurosci. 2016, PMID 27322418, Diabetes 2016, PMID: 27422385).
These investigations are supported by the large expertise of the laboratory and by several core facilities of the Center for Integrative Genomics of the UNIL (see: http://unil.ch/cig); they are funded by an European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant.
Special requirements:
The candidate must be highly motivated and have established expertise in physiological analysis of mouse models, and be familiar with molecular and cellular biology techniques; expertise in the function of mitochondria would be an advantage. He/she must be enthusiast about working in an innovative and challenging project in a highly collaborative environment. The candidate should hold a PhD in biology and his/her expertise should be attested by publications.
This full time position is available immediately; it is for 1 year renewable twice for 2 years. Salary will be according to UNIL salary scale. Applications should contain a full C.V., a letter of motivation, and the names of 2-3 references and be sent to: Prof. Bernard Thorens, Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (Bernard.Thorens@unil.ch).