信息来源:美国哥伦比亚大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2018-05-31 11:53
Postdoctoral Position at CCTI
A postdoctoral position is open in the Arnold Han laboratory within the Columbia Center for Translational Immunology, Columbia University Medical Center, NY.
The Han laboratory studies tumor immunity and human autoimmune disease. We are specifically interested in how diverse types of T cells function during disease and what antigens drive these T cells. We utilize and develop single-cell technologies to study T cells. We seek to better understand human disease with the ultimate goal of informing T cell-directed therapies.
The laboratory is young and energetic and seeks a motivated individual to take charge of exciting projects in the rapidly advancing field of tumor immunity. The Han lab is located in New York City within the Columbia Center for Translational Immunology. We are part of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, the Department of Medicine and the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center. We collaborate extensively with groups within and outside NYC.
The candidate should have experience in molecular biology and immunology.
The ideal candidate for the position will have experience working in immunology and molecular biology. Computational biology experience is a plus. An MD and/or PhD Degree is required.
Please send your cover letter and CV to Dr. Arnold Han (ash3@cumc.columbia.edu)